For the past couple of years, I've been VERY happy with my GeForce 7600 GT KO graphics card. It's fast, quite, and stable. But with games like Crysis and Bioshock I've noticed that the industry is trying to tell me that it's getting time to upgrade as I can no longer play with the graphics settings on high. Even World of Warcraft (which really isn't that graphically intense) has been slowing down since they added all those shadows in a recent patch. I run windows XP (because there's no real good reason to go to Vista), with 2 GB of memory, an AMD Athlon 2.7ghz Dual Core and a 500w power supply. Does anyone have any suggestions for what the best upgrade is that I can get for $200 or less? There's so many new ones out and coming out, plus with the economy on the downturn, I don't want to buy a new one only to have a much better one come out in a couple of months that's the same price or less, or for the one I bought to plummet in price. Upgrading can be so daunting! Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
I would recommend a 8800GTS (G92) 512 MB which is pretty cheap now adays. Or a GTX 260. Make sure your psu will support the video card first.pdenton191
Whwn it comes to the gtx 260 that 500w psu will just be enough if its a good brand ( 500w is the minimum recommended ). Also the 4850 and the 9800gtx+ are both excellent cards for their price (you can find them from 150-200 ) and they dont require as much power as the gtx 260. Also your cpu will be a bottleneck to the gtx 260 ( of course it will be a bottleneck to the 4850 and the 9800gtx but not as much as the gtx260 lets just say with your cpu you will be getting only 60-70% out of the gtx 260 while you will be getting about 80-90% out of the other 2 cards and almost 100% out of the 8800gts or the 8800gt if you wanna buy something good and cheap since they cost only about 100-130)
if you need a geforce card to continue support id go with sumthing other than the dime a dozen 8800's :P when the 9800's drop in price all those 8800's we suggested gonna end up in a 1st world country being scrapped by the poor for raw materials.
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