I was wondering how to, well I want to put my family guy episodes on, I have the real copies, I hate pirates lol. I can take pics too if u guys really don't believe me.
this is what u do. store your dvd's on your pc/mac hard drive and then convert them to w.e file the ipod takes i can remember off the top of my head. then once done converting u just click and drag and they are on ur ipod!
this is what u do. store your dvd's on your pc/mac hard drive and then convert them to w.e file the ipod takes i can remember off the top of my head. then once done converting u just click and drag and they are on ur ipod!charomid
That doesn't really tell him -how- to do it as much as repeat what he's trying to do. :P
You'd have to rip the DVD movie to your computer. Commonly, you would rip the movie and then transcode it to the video format that the iPod supports (IIRC, it recognizes .mp4 files for h.264 video).
Some software packages out there may be able to rip straight to an iPod-compatible format, but I haven't checked myself as I don't have one (yet).
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