I bought the DVD version of this month's PC Gamer magazine (I usually just buy the mag without the disc), and it included a demo for something called Battlestations Pacific, which I felt compelled to try since I had paid extra for the stupid disk.
Holy mackerel, what a fun demo.
It's an arcade-like flight simulator, of course, and within minutes I was flying about the island like a real fighter pilot - it was a total blast, no pun intended. Also, the last flight simulator I played was probably from back in the day when flight simulators ruled the gaming world - I think my last flight sim might've beenFalcon 2.0. Like a lot of people I stopped playing them because they became too difficult, and also because I got tired of flying over a landscape which resembled a patch-work quilt. The graphics of flight sims couldn't keep up with the graphics of FPS games.
But this Battlestations Pacific is visually stunning - and smooth. You can actually see detail on the land as you're flying about, and the water from high above is amazing. Are there any other flight sims on the market that look this good?
The thing that looks really interesting here is that there's a strategic element to the game as well - because of the battle map, which has icons moving across it in real time. It just looks like it's a really fun and well presented game. Try out the demo if you haven't already. I have a Core i7 with a GTX 275 - I don't know what my frames were, but they were well over 60.
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