Or is it just me?
I got a new com last month ago.
This is my specs:
POV 8800GTS 320MB
E6600 2.4 oc to 3.2ghz
I've just installed Vista Home Premium yesterday...so I started to install Company of Heroes( patched to the latest version v1.71) and Lost Planet DX10.....
So I tried to play Company of Heroes in DX10 MAX OUT except shadows to off(cause I hate shadows) and Texture and Terrian set to Ultra. It started to lag like crazy!!!!!!
I updated my nvdia driver and everything else.
Does anyone knows the cause of this problem??
My guess is the 8800GTS 320MB.
Is the video ram too small for games coming out on DX10???
Does Company of Heroes use more than 320MB VRAM whenMAX out on DX10????
So is the 8800GTS 320MB a waste or is it just the optimization problem on Vista?????
Please Reply...
Really upset....................
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