anyone out there care to share their experiences playing crysis beta?
i just got out of playing some freakin crysis for a good few hours.. and let me tell you. it saddens me to say it..
hype hype hype..:?
yet somehow i knew it... just made it worse to know i was right.
I wasnt expecting the game to be incredible, yet none the less I expected the substance/gameplay to match the standard set by the nice graphic.
sure no DX10 yet on the mp beta and although its still a beta, let me tell you.. gameplay = hype
too bad. looks pretty, (most of the time, mainly when you move the mouse) with that blur, hdr, hddl and DOF, otherwise.. meh.
soo i couldnt deal with it, got up to the highest res my pc will give, everything was already maxed out.. and wow, what did i find? nothing changed!
graphics are nice from far away, they look freakin sweet.. but get close and the textures look like garbage (and if you wanna disagree thats fine, but i seen better in games using old engines like Source and D3.. yes.. D3). For example, and not exclusive to.. the computer screens/pictures/inner buidling details.. now I'll give it to you, the game does a great job in showing a big big world all at once.. and this is just a small portion of the area you'll explore in singleplayer, who knows maybe thats why some of the interior details aren't any better than the ones in battlefield 2142. i'll tell you what though for a 16gb installation and all this freakin hype about how this is supposed be amazing and revolutionary.. wait wait, wait a second.. do you smell that? bovine secretion.
hype hype hype.. where was all the beauty from the videos? or maybe the fun resilient action? watching people running around, jumping over cars and driving their hovercrafts into buildings and miraculously just bouncing off.. i also found it funny that when i ran someone over, my car stopped dead on, once i hit them, almost like hitting a tree. hahaha.. lame. I think the game's nice graphics only shone when I ran through the jungle and got to see some of the cool high def lighting detail shinning through, collectively adding to the immersive feeling of the game. but then.. as soon as you go near a barren area (no vegetation to hide the horrible ground texture) or inside of a, the illusion crumbles. Even the look and textures of the vehicles were substandard. some of the "high def" detail like the camera blood splatter and windshield splatter quickly lost its charm.. they more than anything hindered my view, not by making me feel like I was actually splattered with blood, or like the windshield of my car was dirty (only after driving no more than 10 meters.. damn, must be that invisible static electricity that hummers build up from moving a few feet.. ? ? ? ? ) but really made me feel like someone had stuck those painfully tacky bullet hole stickers ppl used to buy and paste on their cars in the 80's cept it was in the shape of dirt and blood on my screen.
I guess the singleplayer will have to save the day. I can live with the graphics hype letdown, even with the multiplayer being the equivalent to anus or some orifice of the sort.
Did anyone else find the animations so crappy it was rediculous? this is 2007 mangggggg, i felt like somehow i was back in alien versus predator 2 or quake 2. I am not reffering to the netlag-hindered animations of cars skipping across my screen sometimes cuz i'm sure they'll work that out.. but i mean the character's movement animations.. slide much?
On a diff note, I'm a sound engineer so from that standpoint, the sound WAS indeed impressive, though the music was meh but i really enjoyed the VOIP feature. It was crisp clear and it was so cool to actually feel like the people who were speaking were talking to you from their corresponding locations. Their voices seaminglessly changed in character depending on your surroundings. It was almost better just sitting there voice chatting with teammates than engaging in the most generic gameplay ever. Counter-strike meets battlefield meets Quake's Weapons Factory mod. So what if you can make vehicles.. again, singleplayer better be good.. in anycase what they achieved with the sound also has a lot to do with the fact that i pack an X-Fi which is designed to deliver that kind of experience.. thats a positive thing right? (for the game or for the card??)
On a final note, to some it may seem that my expecations were maybe high, but I do remind you that this game has been hyped up over and over again to be revolutionary etc etc.. and out all of the things I disliked about the game so far, my main quarrel has been the overall nonerevolutionary aspect of it. In some cases I could easily say I've seen better in other older games and thats mainly because alot of the detail doesnt feel or seem geniune, just seems tacked on and it shows after you play for a while.. so if in anycase this game was supposed to be the t1ts, then they were a nice looking pair till you got up close and realized that the breast skin was covered in zits.
I'm sure the fanboys will try to rip me a new anus, but no thank you.. my single very-happy-left-alone balloon knot will suffice :P
k let the flaming begin..
I say it again, the singleplayer better be incredible.
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