Do people still play City of heroes? i used to a little a while ago but i never got a proper chance because i quit for wow and now that im completly bored with wow i was thinking of going back? but if not what mmo's are out there that i should get that are good but not really demanding, my comp is pretty craptacular, and obviously i dont mind playing games on the lowest settings if it means i can still play it and enjoy it.
I used to play that game a lot yeah. I may go back eventually but at the moment I'm playing Age of Conan. Last time I played CoH it was really quiet and in my opinion, I think it will get even quieter as new MMOs are coming out or have just come out. I'm not really sure what other MMOs to recommend cause I haven't really played that many. I used to play guild wars, tried the trial or WoW once, then City of Heroes and now Conan, which doesn't help you because that game is demanding as hell :P
I haven't played in a while but if you want a game like COH then the DC Universe Online and Champions Online will be coming out soon. You might be better off waiting and getting a more up to date game. I do know that they have enough of a community that they are still putting out their comic and doing regular updates but long term people are going to migrate to Champions Online.
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