Revenant42, you are being excessively defensive here. Maybe if you compare FPS to the total number of games, you don't see too much of a pattern. If you look at the biggest budget games, you probably do see a pattern. The big money is flowing into FPS and FPS with RPG elements. I saw the G4 special on the last E3, and these two genres were, by far, the biggest part of the expo. I think market research is directing the development of gaming heavily these days. Developers/publishers are trying to find the largest audiences and targetting them. They saw the huge success of games like Bioshock, Borderlands, Modern Warfare 2, and even Oblivion, and they want all that success to continue.
My favorite genre, turn-based strategy, seems to be getting very small budgets in recent years, and it's almost relegated to indie titles only. If you look at real-time strategy, you don't see a whole lot coming down the pipe in the way of big budget titles. We are looking forward to the Starcraft 2 expansions, and the possibility of a propery Command and Conquer, and maybe another Dawn of War, but where are the new IPs? Supreme Commander was a great game back in 2007 and enjoyed success. Hell, I would take another Universe at War. That wasn't such a bad game. There is just not a lot of money flowing into RTS in the coming years.
Let's move onto hack 'n slash RPGs with overhead view. Haven't seen much on the consoles lately other than Dungeon Siege 3. PC is getting Diablo 3 and Torchlight 2, and that's not bad, I admit. Not much else though. Certainly nothing with a big budget and big advertising.
How about adventure titles? Mostly PC, small budget, a few downloadable games on console maybe.
How about simulators? Not many these days. Mostly European developers for PC.
Space combat sims? Also not many, X series is the only thing keeping the genre alive, in my opinion.
Racing? Yeah, racing is still big, especially on consoles. Not as big as FPS, but big.
Sports? Big on consoles mostly. Still very big actually.
Fighting games (street fighter stuff)? Kinda big, but not like it used to be.
Seems to me like there is an industry shift to genres that are big on console, with FPS and FPS with RPG elements leading the way as far as budgets. PC games seem to be getting a big infusion of indie titles, and I'm cool with that. Small budget, but many are creative and fun.
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