@KHAndAnime said:
@KHAndAnime said:
@KHAndAnime said:
It's not about strangeness, I swear. It's about the technology. I know what I want from my technology, and I know that this Occulus is incapable of delivering what I want, at its price point. It might be applicable for non-gaming uses, but for gaming - I don't want it or need it right now. Ultimately, this is fresh technology. I just feel no reason to jump into it at this point, I'm sure five years from now it will be a lot better than what it is now. Once it has situated itself more comfortably in the gaming market, I'll give it more consideration.
I think the bottom line here is that if you are not intrested in what Oculus has to offer at this price point then you best turn around and run and never look back. VR is clearly not for you.
Meh, if two cheap LCD screens strapped to your eyeballs with a gyroscope is the peak of VR for you, I feel like you have incredibly limited imagination for what potential the future holds.
dont let the door hit your ass on the way out....and remember me a year from now :)
Okay there troll
so tell me. hwo does one not consider day-z as "anti-social" let me guess, your freinds lan it up every single time you play amirite? ... yea I bet its more of a case of over the internet.... like most people.
Tell me, why 2 micro screens require your dell ultrasharp quality to be good?
oh wait... KHAndAnime ... advertising fraud in his sig....
anyone can say "limited imagination" yet brushing off a product you have yet to even try because of supposedly bad lcd screens not matching a 24' ultrasharp monitor. Technology like this will only grow with support, and seeing as you like throwing money at unfinished products why such a turn around on this?
Anyone can imagine a friggin Nerve-gear strapped to their head making them live in another world, that's far from the point. but oh wait, KHandAnime. ofc.
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