Mhmm which game is better? And why?
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Hard choice. I like the combat in AC, but the enviroments are really nice on PoP.
I'd say Prince of Persia.
i, strangly enough, absolutly loved assassins creed. the whole crowd interaction mechanic was amazing and i really hate playing games that dont have it now. (pushing people aside for example.)
for me PoP was tedious and repetitive, while AC never got oldjrabbit99I thought they were both tedious and repetitive. I haven't finished PoP (damn lightseeds!), but I just thought it's better than that epic cliffhanger at the end of AC.
Assasin's Creed. Platforming in the Prince of Persia games was just basically going through planned out obsticle courses. I never got the feeling that I was cleverly using my skills to find my way through an area...only that I was jumping through hoops. AC's platforming was much more organic; I actually felt like I was a skilled acrobat that could use the environment to get the upper hand.
Also, when you incountered an enemy in PoP, the platforming basically stopped while you were in combat. In AC, it is intigrated completely, and the result is vastly more thrilling.
Both were made by Ubisoft Montreal, and both have the same problems. They look nice, but they become repetitive too quickly. Neither are what I call a bad game, but neither reached their potential of being huge hits. And PoP was stripped of many of the great things that made PoP SoT such a special game. It felt like a step back rather than forward in the PoP game series.
[QUOTE="jrabbit99"]for me PoP was tedious and repetitive, while AC never got oldSwiftstrike5I thought they were both tedious and repetitive. I haven't finished PoP (damn lightseeds!), but I just thought it's better than that epic cliffhanger at the end of AC. well PoP had it's own Cliff hanger kind of ending
Prince of persia was nothing special,but Assassin Creed was a pretty good game,even though it gets repitative really fast,if AC was an action RPG,my God,imagine the greatness!
Kind of a tough decision . Assassin's Creed is a more open world game while Prince of Persia is sort of an open world but more linear. By this , I refer to Warrior Within and the latest Prince of Persia though.
Assassin's Creed was really cool but repetitive missions were the only flaw, everything else was fantastic. The city was alive, crowded places make you feel like everyone is around you, although it lacks some sort of depth, but all in all, it makes up for it's cool storyline and awesome combat.
Prince of Persia has always been my favourite platformer. The visuals are stunning, the story is amazing and the gameplay is really cool. Exclusively in Warrior Within and The Two Thrones, the combat was just amazing. It felt just as free as ever, getting to dual wield weapons and using the environment in a way to create combo attacks to kill your opponent. And not forgetting the awesome heavy metal music playing while in combat ( Warrior Within particularly).
Two games that I really enjoyed with the Middle-Eastern atmosphere and gameplay, I'd have to go with Prince of Persia simply because it has an appealing story that turns here and there and is told just like as though it is one of the stories of Arabian Knights.
I would say AC, I just finished it today. It has a long, twisting, and surprising events that will defenitly keep you playing. If you have a good enough PC, then it will be an epic experience. On max settings it is an eyegasm. I picked up my copy on ebay for only $14. I would pay $50 for it though.
Assassin's Creed FTW!!!!
I sunk about a dozen hours into Assassins Creed just by running around and causing trouble.
After opening a city, you can just go nuts and run from rooftop to rooftop.
Free as an eagle.
I liked Assassins Creed better.
I would have to pick the Prince of Persia trilogy over AC and the new PoP. It had a more engaging story and puzzles that were actually fun instead of a chore.
AC at the offset look superior to all games mentioned but around halfway through the game it became dreadfully repeptitive and sooner than later you'd feel detached from the character as well as from the story. Granted the story is still incomplete, it still managed to make me dislike it due to the fact you're almost clueless as to what is going on.
The new PoP managed to have a better story, IMO, than AC and the starring duo of the Prince and Elika at times would keep things fresh with their conversations, but Altair on the other hand always stayed the same. The same meaning he was a disgruntled assassin throughout the game.
The PoP trilogy may have an unfair advantage since it already has completed its trilogy story arc, but IMO, even if we take just the first game by itself, I'd have to pick Sands of Time over AC and PoP 2008. It still has a better story than the other 2 and the gameplay elements are still more enjoyable.
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