Avatar: The last Airbender is a cartoon show screaming make me into a game. The recent Avatar The last Airbender Game on Wii and other consoles Didn't do that cartoon much justice, Wich is why it might be a good idea to make the game into a Online RPG like World of warcraft or Guild wars.
In the game you would be able to start of as one of the four nations (Water Tribes, Air Nomads, Fire Nation, and Earth Kingdom) And you would also be able to choose weather to be a Bender or a warrior of that nation. At the start of the game, yo would start off at a town right outside of the Nation's main city ( except for the Air nomads, They would randomly start of at one of the temples because they have 4 temples situated around the world), You would start of with basic skills. E.g Earth benders would have move a rock. As your get Higher through the levels you would be able to do more powerful moves. To be able to attack, you would need your element there to bend, E.g For water benders they would need water near them and the same for earth Bender's. As you get higher through the levels, you would be able to bend your element with alot more power, (E.g Air benders would be able to make Tornado's, Fire benders could make lightning, Earth benders could bend metal and water benders could make whirlpools).When fighting, if there are 2 of the same benders are there, you could preform a combind attack, like 2 earth benders could lift a huge rock and throw it at someone, it would give them the ability to do stronger attacks that they wouldn't be able to do with 1 person. Benders wouldn't only be good for fighting, they could be used to go places. liuke to get across a lake, a water bender could make a bubble and walk under the lake, or a earth bender could make a tunnel for other people to go through.
Instead of the map being like world of warcraft with it having 2 islands and if u wanted to cross between them you would have to go through a loading screen, the entire world would be one big map, and to get across to the other islands, you would have to buy a boat and sail to each of the islands. Air benders and water benders would become handy in this situation because air benders would be able to blow wind into the sails and water benders could move then water around the boat to make it go faster. At a certian Level, Each race would be able to get a mount. (Air benders = Flying Bison, Water benders = Ram, Earth Benders = Ostrich horse, Fire benders = Lizards). The PVP system would be very much like world of warcraft apart from the contested and non-contested areas, people should just be able to battle as freely as they want.
When the game starts of, All the nations would be at peace, but as players get higher Levels and ranking's ( like in high World of warcraft, High warlord) they would form a council, the best 10 players from each nation would decide if there nation would go to war with all the others, so the players would have alot more control over the game. If a nations dose go to war with the others, they would be able to take over towns and cities so they would expand their nation. To keep the game in order, A person from the company who made the game would be the Avatar, 1 person per server, would try to keep balance between all the four nations. Much like a GM from World of warcraft. The Avatar would be extremely powerful but he would be able to be killed and if he is, there would be a period of time where he isnt seen because he is being reborn into the next nation. So in that time where he is being reborn, the nation that is at war would be able to attack freely untill he comes back but he would be a bit more powerful so he would be harder to kill.
These are just some of my ideas and i really home this is made into a game.
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