I do not understand why everyone is hating on AvP just because of the demo. Now, I am huge Alien and Predator fan seeing the movies like a hundred times and can recite lines. The game is awful at matchmaking, ill give you that but thats an easy fix and might have already been fixed, not sure. But id like to go through some things:
Alien Gameplay:
-It was exactly what i wanted. Its something unique and will be difficult for new players because you can climb everyone. Having played it a couple rounds I am under the impression that its is key to go un-noticed and go the behind kill. Anyway else is just suicide at this point. The mechanic that you have to play like an alien, move on the ceiling like the movies. Blend in with your surrounding and take a player out. The melee attacks when your in front of people are a little underpowered imo. Overall: B+
Marine Gameplay:
-I thought it was great. The sound effect form the pulse rifle was right on the money from the movies. I felt like one of the marines in "Aliens". Always looking around, paranoid as hell, dont know what is going on. Can't find something I dont like about them in this demo. Overall: A
Predator Gameplay:
-Havent played yet but ill get on that
Map: I liked it, I believe it is a taken over ship that the marines were on and I like it. Given its one map I am assuming there will be ones more diverse and maybe some straight from the movies.
One last remark I want to make about he Marine gameplay, the motion sensor beeping when something is in range is genius. This alone freaks me the hell out because I hear a beep and I auto look at that sensor but I dont know if its above me or below me or whatever.
I think the demo is a good start and the game will be even better.
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