nvidia isnt crap. why'd you tell us you hate them so much but yet buy their video card? you say nvidia has crap prices, but then say amds prices are crap, but buy nvidia?? what the..
i found no big price difference in either brand most of the time, both companies charge what they want depending on the demand for their card. big demand for the 680gtx when it first came out so nvidia charged more then it was worth, but it was the best at the time so it was easy.
AMD does same thing, theres a bitcoin/litecoin mining fad going on right now, so people are buying their card to try to make imaginary money.
how exactly do you make a practical amount of money if you spend 300-400 dollars on a video card and have to spend 600 dollars a year in hydro costs to mine 24/7? on a virtual made up currency that could drop to nothing at anytime, with penalities to conversion to useable currencies?
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