I would like to see the factions list look like this:
Elves (Double-faction between Mirkwood and Rivendell)
Erebor(Double-faction between Dwarves and Dale)
Men of the East (Double-faction between Haradwaith and Rhun)
And I want there to be two seperate sets of maps from both games, as well as completely new maps- one for BFME1 gameplay and one for RotWK/BFME2 gameplay.
A new Inn System that applies to both of these sets of maps: Allying with specificly-designed factions. Gondor = Southern Fiefdoms, Rohan, and Arnor Survivors. Rohan = Minas Tirith, Southern Fiefdoms, and Lorien (the one-building minifaction that "Mirkwood Faction" activates). Elves = Dwarven, Dale, and Arnor Survivors. Erebor = Mirkwood, Rivendell, and Carrock version of Dale. Arnor = Rohan, Gondor, and Mithlond (the one-building minifaction that "Rivendell Faction" activates).Isengard = Dunland, Ruffians, and Goblins. Mordor = Harad, Rhun, and Angmar. Goblins = Isengard, Dunland, and Angmar. Men of the East = Khand*, Umbar, Sirayn (the jungle where Mumaks and Mahuds are from), Red Mountains, Mordor*, and Dorwinion. Angmar = Rhudaur, Gundabad, and Forodwaith. In which case, they'd have to allow Inns on every map ever made. One per player's my reccommendation.
* means you have to pay either way. Umbar and Sirayn are free if you choose Haradwaith, Red Mts and Dorwinion cost nothing if you choose Rhun
And that'sJUST for FACTIONS...
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