At best buy, I saw that battlefield 2 was $9.99 USD. I want to know if anyone actually plays this still. I have 2142, and I see that is population is declining somewhat. There was also a package with all of the expansions for $30.
Yes. It's base is much larger than 2142 even today. 2142 just wasn't good enough to replace 2. Get it. Most people don't play the expansion or the mini ones. Just vanilla 2 for the win.
Yeah, thousands still play Battlefield 2 as far as I know. At least, when I last played, there were plenty of players. I believe it's more popular online than 2142 but I'm not too sure.
You shouldn't have too much of a problem. I don't play all too much these days but I never was a brilliant player but I found it okay. It would depend on the server of course, but no-one is going to go writing hateful/angry messages just because you die a few times. ;) I do highly recommend you pick the game up though. Brilliant fun.
At best buy, I saw that battlefield 2 was $9.99 USD. I want to know if anyone actually plays this still. I have 2142, and I see that is population is declining somewhat. There was also a package with all of the expansions for $30. Atomicfireball
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