Hmm, BF2 still has alot of servers, and it is very very different from BF:BC2.
The maps are way bigger, and allows for more tactical approaches, there is not just one or two chokepoints, there are ALOT.
Vehicles are very different, learnign to fly a chopper of a jet is quite a bit different from BC2, but if you get good with them they are FAR better and more logical then the heavy, slow and halfway useless BC2 choppers (and if you find them useful in BC2, you will get blown away by the BF2 ones).
There are more emphathis on tamwork, since classes only have 1 area they excell in, so you can not pick any class that can go up against anything, they will die on thier own, (unless they are stealthy and patient).
BF2 has a commander, who can give orders to squad leaders, making BF2 overall less chaotic, and far more about getting the bigger picture of the battlefield. He calls down mortarstrikes, resupply crates, light vehicles and UACs where he sees fit, or where they are requested.
it takes a load off the average grunt, but also strips you of things you might be accustomed to in BC2.
But it REally is far bigger battles in BF2, a huge tank battle can easily have 10+ tanks batteling it out in some hills, with jets and attack choppers making flybys, you will feel really small as one little soldier in such a scenario, but it is awesome to get on your feel after marking a target as a sniper, and see 2 jets fly nomore then 2 meters over your head as they head out to bomb the marked location.
On the other side of the coin, it is a old game, and sometimes you can both see and feel the age beginnign to creep up, it is not gamebreaking, but it is differnt.
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