The hit detection is actually fine once you get your network smoothing settings correct and play on servers within your area. While it can be a little laggy, it completely ruining the game for people doesn't make sense to me at all.
The changes were pure balancing changes, since I don't really get into BF3 that competitivly I don't really care.
At this point, if you're letting the hit detection ruin your experiance (which it's still better than in BC2 and BF2), then you're doing something wrong on your end. It's really that simple.
What are the ideal network smoothing settings? I still get shot behind walls
They are different for every person. You gotta keep tweaking them.
You'll always get killed a little behind a wall. No match is going to be 100% flawless, way too many factors. The game has too much going on to have Quake and CS like latency.
If you're letting that get in your way, then you'll be disappointed.
CS, Quake, Unreal, all have about 1/100th of the calculations going on. CS uses 100% hitscan weapons and all of the rapid fire weapons in Quake/Unreal are hitscan as well, unlike having each round tracked in real time like in BF3. There is also no destruction and very little calculations to do with vehicles in those arena shooters. The animations are also extremely simple compared to BF3.
It's just never going to be perfect.
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