If it were made by DICE, you know you'd buy it.
But how would a game like this work? Let's come up with an imaginary blueprint for Battlefield: Legions of Rome.
I would imagine combat working in a similar system to Oblivion, but with much more realistic damage levels of course. Also, there needs to be some inherentbenefit from fighting in formations, considering the nature of ancient warfare. Unfortunately it would be difficult to depict set-piece battles on open plains, therefore limiting the map design to small, tribal villages and large urban centers. Player count should probably be raised to 64 again for best results.
Classes (feel free to suggest something better):
Legionnaire - The assault class. Medium armor/health, average running speed, a huge shield (the Scutum), a short range stabbing sword (the Gladius), and two throwing javlins (the Pilum).
Auxiliary Archer - The recon class. Light armor/health, fast on the run, slow when aiming bow. Can spot more rapidly than other classes.
Praetorian - The engineer class. Heavy armor/health, slow moving, same Scutum as assualt, a medium sized broadsword, acts as a "tank" in confined areas (doorways, gates, etc.) where they can take a powerful defensive stance.
Centurion - The medic class. Same traits at Legionnaire, with no shield or Pila. Gives a hand up/pulls people to their feet in order to revive (let's think of something more clever than this please, k thx)
Now here's where it get's tricky.
Obviously the Romans battled multiple civilizations, so picking the proper opposing forces (OpFor) is difficult.The Gauls, Germans, Greeks, and Carthaginians, to name a few. So, this begs the question, would it be wise to implement different fighting classes along with each playable faction? Like Hoplites for Greece, and Berserkers for Germans?
I'll leave that question to be pondered on by you guys.
Have fun with this idea. Crazy suggestions encouraged. We still need to figure out how Elephants will work, remember.
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