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I would have bought the Onkyo, but you can't really go wrong.dru26
I really like Onkyo equipment, and I actually have one of their HTIB systems that I use in my living room. So far, I am pleased with the Sony. To be perfectly honest, the biggest deciding factor for my purchase was that it has 3 HDMI inputs. I have a PS3, Xbox 360, and HD-DVR that I want to hook up via HDMI. I have everything hooked up and is working flawlessly. I like that I can rename the inputs.
The sound is reasonably good. I have yet to watch a Blu-Ray movie on it yet, which will probably be the best test for the receiver.
an important thing to keep in mind if you are buying a reciever with HDMI make sure it does upconverting and not just pass through...they are lil more expensive but much better for the long run...Japkila
Not necessarily. If your connected devices can upscale to 1080p (as a lot now do) then you only need the switching ability. Upconversion on a receiver is only beneficial if you connect a lot of analog SD devices or the receiver has a better quality video processor than your connected devices.
Well you wouldn't want pass-through because then you would only be getting a video feed and not HDMI audio. Alot of tvs and recievers are offering upconversion which is a great feature, the recievers with quality Upconv are quite pricey still, usually in the $1000 + range. At the same time you could get a Sony SXRD 50" for around $1500 with upconv.dru26
a lot of receivers have dedicated video pass-through options for HDMI precisely to avoid the video processing in the receiver. The audio still goes to the receiver, the video goes unaltered to the display.
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