Best Buy's add today stated that GRAW2 for the pc was available today! Not true! I know it doesn,t come out till the 17th. That's really cruel! I checked with them and they said it was a misprint. Way to go, Best Buy!!
Yeah, this is the reason why you should never trust a retailers release dates unless the developer has confirmed it. So Best Buy didnt lie they simply got it wrong like a lot of retailers do. they wouldn't.........would they? NO NOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Why, why would I ever trust you best buy? why would you do such a thing to me? My worst nightmares just came true......... they wouldn't.........would they? NO NOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Why, why would I ever trust you best buy? why would you do such a thing to me? My worst nightmares just came true.........sepheronX
Ya buyer beware. Do your research from the manufacter of the game for release dates. Even this site has a release date of Aug 1st for ET-QW and there isnt even a release date for the game yet.
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