Ok,best is debatable but it´s free. :P
Nitronic rush was released about a week ago and it´s an experiemental survival driving game developed by students at DigiPen institute of technology.
Using the car´s many abilities(including boost,wings an jump),avoid obstacles that the city throws at you. In may ways the game is a tribute to racing games of the 90´s,but with fresh graphics,audio and gameplay.
Looks like a mix of Tron and Rush 2049,with some elements of Trackmania.
Also,great soundtrack.
Hardcore mode gameplay:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UElTfKjRZSg&feature=related
I´ve been playing a bunch and having great fun with it,it´s an amazing arcade title. Just thought you guys and girls would like to know about it if you don´t already.
Download link:http://nitronic-rush.com/download-game/
Hope everyone enjoys it. ;)
Edit: Btw,the game is completely playable with the keyboard but a controller works better,especially the 360 controller.
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