here is my idea to make the best computer game of all time i could have gone into futher detail but got tired Enjoy!:D
my perfect idea of a game for computer would be a freeworld no limitations mmo shooter set in a apocolyptic/postapocolyptic country where players have to band together with friends and scavange for materials to survive a hellscape filled with other less concienciosplayers robbing murdering and pillageing each other and massive armys of zombies mutants and unamaginable monsters of enormous size to epic hordes of diminutive creatures,the game wouldinclude enormous detail as to weapons, itomsand armour, players would be able to create there own barracades,fo vehicals,weapons traps,traps armorby modifying existing ones or by starting from scratchas long as the charcter has found nessesary materials, everything not foundwillindividually made buy the character with no direct blueprint written onto the gameon how to construct something. all buildings in the massive world would be fully detailed inside and out with doors rooms windows and everything people would have left in a disastor scenario, players depending if they have the right parts and tools would be able to hand assemble barracades and dig ditches or anything else over and inbetweento fortify positions.to make the realism work in the game once the playerhas chosen a server you are permanently in that server untill death at witch point you are removed and have the abillity to sighn up and wait for another server to launch,for the real time to work a day/night cycle will be determined at the start of the server and how long and at what time the server will be open for play, for instance Server #1 would have a 2 hour day cycle then a 2 hour night cycle,on monday threw saturday in the weekand that four hours a dayof playable time will be from 5:00 to 9:00the player will go onat 5:00 and play to 9:00ta that pointthe game server will have a universalsave over the game world and will be saved for everyone in the serverand will resume the adventure the next day at 5:00, the only downside to this is the players will have to play at the servers set hours his/her character will stand still unmoving for that amout of time as settime and will probobly be killedfurther ideas / discussion invited****IF A GAME DEVELOPER USEES MY IDEA HE BETTER DAMN WELL PUT ME IN CREDITS OF GAME OR PAY ME OR SOMETHING****
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