Hey everyone.
Not even three months ago I decided that I was going to take the step from console gaming to PC gaming, and I have to say, it is one of the best choices I have ever made. It took many hours of research and ordering, but, when all was said and done, I had built my very own (and pretty beast) PC. I went from being an ignorant xbox gamer to a well educated PC gamer, and took all the steps necessary to get there.
Now, that said, this is not my first PC gaming experience. About seven years ago, I played a few titles on my family computer (which wasn't very good at all), and got a taste of titles which were new at the time, such as Call of Duty, Far Cry, and the Sims. This actually served as my first "real" gaming experience. Unfortunately, not knowing any better, I ended up leaving that behind, and moved on to buy an xbox 360 (because playing on my TV with a controller seemed so much cooler). From that point until just recently, it was the only thing I gamed on, and I did have quite a good time with it. But, now all that is the past, and I am looking to re-new my bond with PC gaming.
Of course, the first thing I played on my brand new system was Crysis (being more of a means to performance-test than anything else). I then purchased the Fallout 3 GOTY Edition (store-bought), and played that for a while. Then we reach present day, where I am quite bored of Fallout and wish to experience something new (or old actually, depending on the way you see it). Yes, I have a PC and will definitely be playing many new major titles, but, seeing as most great gaming franchises originated from the PC, I feel that I am missing out on many classics. This lead me to look into Steam, where I have access to an excess amount of classics that I missed out on over the years. Some games which I would like to experience are Doom 3, Half-Life (one and two), Diablo, and Starcraft, but, I'm want to wait until I get some feedback on which games are truly worth experiencing before purchasing anything.
So, my question to any PC veterans is, what game(s) should I purchase? There are tons out there, and it really is too hard to make the decision(s) on my own. Thanks in advance for any feedback.
TT;DR: To be able to truly call myself a PC gamer, I feel that I need to first brush up on the system's history by playing some classics. Any recommendations will be appreciated.
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