I'm looking to get my own laptop. With brand is the best. You know for gaming, internet, that new computer program from microsoft called XNA. It's lets you make your video games.
for gaming a laptop, get ready to spend $$$, my xps cost bout $5000 a good alienwere about $6500 same with voodoo and im talking the base set up with decent video cards, i got mine with the core 2, 7900gtx go, 2 g ram, i wish i waited till core2duo was in the laptops since i would have also gotten 7950 but no biggie as long as it last till the gen 2 dx10 cards come out,
also forgot to mention, was it asus that release a external video card for the laptops, i guess with that you can get a good laptop at around $2000 and get this for EVC for bout 700 and youll cut your costs down in half, all i know about it is that it has a built in overclocker which is great but not for me i hate pluging in my mouse and headset as it is,
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