Well i installed AoC the other day and the game refused to run acceptably on even the lowest settings so i decided its time to upgrade. My current computer is a laptop so upgrading isn't an option. I built a pc around 6 years ago but i had help from a pc guy but he is no longer available to me. I'm looking for some support and help getting walked through the process.
First, can you guys confirm that building a pc is always cheaper? Last time i looked into desktops i was told something along the lines that since companies like dell order in bulk their systems actually can come out cheaper.
Assuming this isn't true i need to set a price range. What is the amount i need to spend to get the most bang for my buck? I don't believe anything from the old system is salvagable except the speakers so i will need to buy it all. I was looking somewhere in the range of 1000-2000. The lower the better of course. I'd like to be able to play any games i want for at least 2 years with upgrades. Definetely want upgradability.
Number one thing is games for me. I also watch and transfer alot of movies on external hard drives so firewire would be nice. I have 1TB of external hd space so a big hard drive isn't necessary.
Any help you guys could give would be great.
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