So i just got a new pc and im looking to play some really good pc games. They don't need to be super graphical just tell me what are some of the best pc games in your opinion.
No RTS games please... i can't stand that genre.
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cool. Lots of shooters though... only one of them isnt and I already played and beat oblivion on the 360 :( I also already beat doom 3 on xbox and I own fear already :)
Im looking mostly for single player experiences so ill definetely try out the half life, stalker and bioshock series.
Off the top of my head
HL2 & Episode 1
Far cry
Battlefield 2
Jade Empire
Hitman Series
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
Counter Strike Source
Unreal Tournament 2oo4
Knights of the Old Republic
NeverWinter Nights 2
thats all i can think of at the moment thats not already been said.
Lol, half of those games are crap.
Doom 3 are you kidding, most disappointing evar.
Masquerade bloodline is a car wreck, he will be lucky if the screen frequence bug wont turn his screen to static -- and that´s before you are even in gameLOL. Not to mention Battlefield and Stalker are plauged by bugs
I´d recommend Mafia, if you haven´t played this yet it´s a simple must. Alien versus predator 2, the sound effect alone makes this game worth checking out, you can play as predator and alien.
Operation flashpoint, poor graphics but one of the best war games I´ve played. Arma is the unoffical sequel but I didn´t find that equally great. You need to play GTA Vice city, because after you beat SP you can download a MP mod called vice city multiplayer.
/Edit. And if you are going to play a Hitman game, the only good one is part 1 - where you were still allowed to yield dual weapons of you choice, in example sawed off and dessert eagle.
additional great fps games: call of duty 1 & 2, s.t.a.l.k.e.r, bioshock, farcry, thief 1 & 2,call of cthulu: dark corners of the earth (not finished it but it's awesome so far)
additional great rpg games: arcanum
the rest:
there's probably a ton i'm missing, or excluding due to personal preference, but these are in my opinion most of the best pc games you can buy... too bad you don't like rts
No One Lives Forever, just replayed that, best game ever made. The Longest Journey, the Money Island series, all classics. As for current games, FEAR was amazing, Prey rocked, World In Conflict, thoughan RTS, should be tried. It's different than the rest, and is amazing. Of course CounterStrike Source and Half Life 2 are always good for a rainy day.
ide definitely start with half life if u want a shooter.
Now if you just want amazing multplayer, then i say some of the best are Counterstrike, DOD, and battlefield 2 are pretty good. Unreal tournament games are fun too.
Although i got bored with battlefield 2 in less than a month because i played too much. I got so good that i wasnt even fun. Ide basically get 1000 points in less than 5 games. But i might start playing it again cause i miss is.
As for Counterstrike and Day of Defeat (DOD) they are amazing. Even if you become amazingly good, there are always people that can school you. Also, counter strike, i would say, offers the most replayability of any online only multiplayer ive ever played (actually unreal tournament probably does too, but i like CS better) with not only thousands of custom map versions, but different game types. At first i was only into bomb diffuse maps. Then i discovered the other...which was hostage rescue maps. But later i discovered surf maps (all i can say is that they are amazing). And then maybe 6 months ago, after a while of inactivity, i found climbing maps (which are also great)
And on top of that, all the half life and cs mods are crazy. NAtural selection, a half life 1 mod, is easily one of the best multiplayer online games ive ever played. Think starcraft meets counterstrike. BAsically, aliens versus marines. Alines can grow bigger, stronger more moves, etc. Marines can buy jetpacks, heavy armor, new weapons, etc with exp. points.
Its amazing
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