Hey, I'm Back...this thing is turning into an "How to get around your parents and buy an M-Rated game," topic. You guys make it sound so easy, but unless I some how happen to be at a friends or something, and they want to stop by best buy, its kinda hard for me to get to a store, get in without my mom/dad coming in with me, buy the game, and go home without them finding out what I got. And like I said before, even If I did manage to get a hold of an M-rated game, my parents would probably see it-they usually stop in the room every now and then just to see what I'm doin.
Thanks for all the suggestions though...I'm not big into RTS campaigns and stories, thats why having an internet connection sucks so much...playing a EAW or BFMEII, or C&C3 campaign just gets to boring...I need to play how I want, against real ppl and with real ppl, which to me is what makes it so much fun. Of course, the exception is with FPS...cause they got plenty of action, and decent storylines, with tough AI. But multiplayer is still the best part of any game...probly why I love the Battlefield games so much.
Anyway, I've been talking to my parents recently, about getting an M-rated game. Both of them don't like the idea. Anyone else find this odd? I mean, most of my friends either 1.) Have parents that don't care what games they play. or 2.) Have at least a DAD that doesn't care, because they like the idea of virtually yet realisticly blowing ppl up just as much as a 14 yr old. And if they go to a store with the mom, she'll say no. But if they go with the dad, he'll say yes.
The good thing is, later today, I'm having a GeekSquad guy come by and take a look at the setup, and see if he can fix anything. I didn't explain my problem completely, but I have some free time so WTH. My computer, use to work...it gets the internet wirelessly from my moms comp, which is the family computer. this was like 2 months ago. then see decided she wanted to get a new one (It was a pretty crappy computer). And it was right around the time vista came out. So she got a brand new comp with vista...its a dell, so is mine, and I set it up. I'm pretty sure I hooked everything up right, but ever since she got that new computer, I haven't been able to get my computer on the internet. It sucks, it really does.
But any way, Thanks ya'll...keep posting if ya got any more suggestions, or if you have any ways to convince my parents...even if I get my comp back online, I'd still like to be able to play some M-rated games.
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