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Wing Commander 3-5, Wing Commander: Privateer, Independence War 2 - The Edge of Chaos, Descent Wars - Freespace, Freespace 2, Freelancer, Starlancer...those be all the really good ones I can think of.Ein-7919Everything this guy said. Note that Independence War uses a more realistic Newtonian flight model, which will give you whiplash if you've been weaned on Freespace. Or, if you want to kick it old-school, there's Elite. (For whatever odd reason, I never played that classic.)
Privateer was awesome, but probably a bit too old for what you are looking for!!
Personally I really enjoy the X series, as they are probably the most in depth space sims available. There is an issue with a steep learning curve, but if you can get past that they are excellent games. May need to spenda bit of time surfing the forums and reading guides to fully understand the more comlpexparts.
Tie Fighter! Now if only I could find the floppies and get it to run...
More recently, I would recommend:
Independence War piracy rules!
Freespace free for download!
X3: Reunion...the "realistic" space sim
Darkstar One...the more casual sim
Privateer was awesome, but probably a bit too old for what you are looking for!!
Yes it was! Privateer was and still is, my favorite Space Sim.
Chris Roberts (heck any one!), if you can hear me please bring back another Privateer! Please I beg of you! :? :roll: :)
DarkStar One had potential, but then it start wiggin out on me, the graphics go in and out so I cant really play it again until I figure out whats up with that.
Playing Star Force: Rogue Universe (got it yesterday) and that game has potential also, but as the reviews say, STEEP learning curve and very difficult. Supposedly there is a difficulty option, but I cant find it.
Again, bring back another totally awesome and updated PRIVATEER!!!!
Tie Fighter! Now if only I could find the floppies and get it to run...
More recently, I would recommend:
Independence War piracy rules!
Freespace free for download!
X3: Reunion...the "realistic" space sim
Darkstar One...the more casual simmrbojangles25
Ummmm... in what ways is X3 realistic?
[QUOTE="mrbojangles25"]Tie Fighter! Now if only I could find the floppies and get it to run...
More recently, I would recommend:
Independence War piracy rules!
Freespace free for download!
X3: Reunion...the "realistic" space sim
Darkstar One...the more casual simjohnnyb47
Ummmm... in what ways is X3 realistic?
I didnt say realistic...I said "realistic".What I meant is that it is extremely in depth with many controls, ships, etc. I meant it is more akin (in complexity) to a realistic sim such as Falcon 4.0 than to its more casual brethren like Freelancer and Darkstar One.
In that I completely agree, the level of complexity of casual space sims is nowhere near X3. I needed to bang my head on the keyboard all the way through X1 and X2 in order to finally get the controls and be able to play X3.
Sorry for the misunderstanding, I initially thought you were saying the flight model is realistic. For that I'd recommend Orbiter, but that's 10x the complexity of X3.
In that I completely agree, the level of complexity of casual space sims is nowhere near X3. I needed to bang my head on the keyboard all the way through X1 and X2 in order to finally get the controls and be able to play X3.
Sorry for the misunderstanding, I initially thought you were saying the flight model is realistic. For that I'd recommend Orbiter, but that's 10x the complexity of X3.
Ya, some real physics would have been nice. One of the best things about Independence War 2 is turning your after burner on, going 1200 meters per second, then flipping around and (as your momentum carries you backwards) shooting whatever is chasing you with your gatling cannons. Not to mention you actually feel like youre piloting a multi-ton spaceship.
WHats orbiter? I cant find it on Gamespot
Orbiter is THE space simulator. With emphasis on simulator. It's basically what Falcon is for jet fighters, as you'll end up doing maths to reach the moon. I certainly did...
Here's a link to the homepage.
Edit: Did I mention it's free?
Thanks, Ill have to check it out. I just had a biochem, dairy science, statistics, english, wine business, and history final all in one week so I am not sure if my brain can handle it.
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