Why? His games have a rather large following. The guy always makes profit. He's the best indie dev, since he manages to make the strangest, most ambitious and complex games and still be successful.
I've seen AAW. It's like a sience-fiction Operation Flashpoint.
The guy makes broken crap that takes years to fix. But that in in itself isn't a big deal...the real kicker is his big mouth and the way he sells his games...he literally is the snake oil salesman of the pc gaming industry.
And AAW looks absolutely terrible next to OPF...which is a 5 year old game.
Look at that crap lol...how can you even compare it to a classic like Operation Flashpoint?
By actually taking time to see what the game is about. I didn't have time to play the beta though.
I compare it to OFP because they're both some of the most hardcore PC games ever. AAW is basically OFP in a Halo-type world. It looks pretty bad because the target audience doesn't give a crap about shaders and The Doctor doesn't give a crap about what other people think. He just makes games for him and for those that like his sty1e.
OFP and ArmA are even more streamlined and easy than AAW. This is an incredibly ambitious project. Should be called "Literally Every Way Possible To Kill Someone Else Conflict".
Who cares about his big mouth and huge ego? The guy is a freakin' genius.
He also refunded gamers that bought one of his games and didn't like it...
I know what the game is about...and I am not saying it looks bad because of it's lack of shaders (though it does look bad in that way too)....the game play looks absolutely terrible. And Derek Smart a genius? ROFL...he has made some of the most broken POS games on the face of the planet. Somehow I think genius is a stretch for him.
And OFP is a far better game than AAW...and talking about complexity his games aren't even that complex...people mistake quantity with complexity. Stand his games against Jane's or other real sims and his games fall flat on their face. For instance, I bet there are tons of options for squad AI, move orders, engangement parameters, ect....but looking at the video (and looking at the history of his games) you can bet all options are very shallow and the squad is pretty much brain dead anyways. Look how they just sit there taking fire doing nothing lol.
Quantity does not equal complexity
His games are just a mishmash of broken ideas crammed together. I wouldn't call them complex...I would call them convoluted.
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