Well, the game i'ts actually good, Funny characters i must say im surprised so far.
Yeah reminds me of Vanquish meets Gears of War, with a touch of Deus Ex Human Revolution.
Edit: I just started playing it. I am actually playing it NOW, but I alt-tab out just to tell you guys it's a really, really good game. People get the wrong idea when they hear consolized port. Sure it is. And so are many multiplatform games. Like 99% of them are console ports. All you have to do is bootup the configuration launcher and change the control key mapping. It's not a big deal.
As for the controls, it's fluid. It doesn't feel laggy or out of place at all. If that bothers you, just play with an xbox 360 controller but I find it to be perfectly fine with keyboard and mouse. Hell, Assassin's Creed series was annoying for me with KB+M but not Binary Domain. Feels fine.
The graphics look great. Game looks sharp, crisp, and no nasty low-res textures. Very nice looking game
I'm already liking it a lot more than Vanquish. Levels are varied. You get to do some really cool stuff, that's all I gotta say. It's like an espionage adventure game.
As for the characters, voice acting, and dialogue, they are not bad at all. Some of the characters like "Big Boi" who is basically your team leader/partner is funny as hell. Voice acting isn't top-notch but they're not bad either.
Gunplay feels aligned with what a console port, third-person shooter would feel like. Aim feels right. No weird input lag or anything like that. Hit detection is good. And enemies aren't bullet-sponges.
Character animations look great. It's something that I always watch out first, and foremost. I hate it when animations look straight up stupid. I haven't tried playing with a microphone yet. You could issue out voice commands via microphone. Like "FIRE" or "Regroup" and your A.I. team will follow the command. Doesn't seem glitchy or bugged at the moment. The response is very good.
There's also an upgrade system and a shop where you could buy weapons and equipment. The upgrade system reminds me of Dead Space mixed with Alpha Protocol, but less depth. It's more like a pitstop shop of upgrades if anything.
Cover system feels "just right." No weird popping in and out involuntarily. Character sticks, but doesn't get STUCK :lol:. All of it feels very fluid. You can BLINDFIRE - yay :D
Awesome, AWESOME setpieces and boss battles!
I'm really picky about which games I play. But I'm not going to be quick about dismissing games that could be full of potential-goodness. Binary Domain is worth a playthrough. Maybe not at $60, but perhaps $40 or lower. I've actually been looking forward to this one for a while and I'm glad I wasnt' disapointed. This game surprised me and I hope you give it a chance.
Yeah man! I'm playing it right now and i agree with you 100%
btw i'm also using KB+M.
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