There are some windows based programs that can change bios, settings... I think Ntunes is one of them. That is if you have a Nvidia video card and have Ntunes installed.
Could be that one of your two girls (or maybe even yourself?) is playing with those Ntune settings and unknowingly are overclocking the PC too far.... and when you restart, the settings are so far out of bounds, that the boot fails; gives off a message of some sort, and then resets the bios to failsafe defaults on it's own. It's one possibility, anyway.... Although most times OC settings are too far off for it to reset itself and you are forced to reset the Cmos manually via that battery reset jumper.
You using a Partitioned Harddrive or multiple HDD's? You must be, if you are having boot sector problems like that. Probably wouldn't have a problem, if you reinstall windows on the drive it want's to defaults to, from the bios default settings... that way the boot sector location wouldn't matter, as much. But, I doubt you'll want to go thru, all that....
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