I have completely searched these forums and to my surprise I can't find a single thread talking about Bioshock 2: Sea of Dreams, the teaser trailerand the teaser website (which has recently surfaced, it's address being www.somethinginthesea.com if you didn't already know) since ones made in 2008....
The teaser website is set seven years after the events of the original game, and has an unidentified man (or woman) linking together evidence that "something" has been coming from the sea and abucting seven year old girls all around the coast of Europe - and he seems to be the only one who realises there is a pattern - seeing as he has scribbled on all the pieces of paper and newspaper clippings he has foundon the website, saying things like "doesn't anyone notice the patterns?"
The "somethings" that have been carrying out these abductions are described as having red lights come from their heads (the light from their diver's helmets) and having metal boots and drilling equipment (which were used to break into the houses to get the girls). However these things aren't Big Daddies - they seem to be Big Mummies - as they are described as being tall, thin and quick, so it doesn't take a genius to see that they are going to be a new enemy character in Bioshock 2, which are like Big Daddies, but faster. This is backed up by the fact there is a picture on the teaser website of these things' footprints, which are imprinted from metal boots like the Big Daddies, yet are smaller than a man's shoe, and mysteriously have a red ribbon lying strewn next to them (not surprisingly the picture of a Big Daddy/Mummy doll on the site has red ribbons wrapped all around it - meaning either that the girl who was kidnapped was carrying the doll and the ribbon fell off, or that the Big Mummies themselves have ribbon around them...)
So based on this, and the enigmatic teaser trailer, what do you think the plot of the game will be? Remember it is said it would be "part a prequel andpart a sequel".
In my opinion, this is it:
Seven years after Jack descended into Rapture and killed the only two people who had control overwhat was leftof it, Ryan and Fontaine (but not Sander Cohen, unless you decided to kill him, so maybe he'll pop up in this game!), Rapture is now REALLY chaotic. Since Jack saved or killed almost all of the Little Sisters and even brought some up to the surface, there has been massive shortage of them and therefore ADAM, which means the Big Daddies are Little Sister-less, and the Splicers are even more ADAM-hungry than they've ever been. But there might be a way of introducing Little Sisters back into Rapture - by getting the previously unseen Big Mummies to ascend to the surface, nab some little girls, and implant them with sea slugs,making themLittle Sisters,once they're back in Rapture.
Cue our teaser website dude - this guy knows what's been going on, and he's seen the evidence. He can tell that something strange is taking these girls, and wants to know what's going on. So he (I'm not too sure about this really) somehow finds one of these Big Mummies, and somehow gets into Rapture. Now if you thought the Rapture you knew was in a state of disrepair, you ain't seen nothing. This Rapture is completely gone to the dogs. With no power players, no Little Sisters (yet!), only a lack of ADAM and total lawlessness (maybe the security system in Rapture doesn't even work anymore), Splicers run wild, and parts of Rapture will probably even have been completely flooded. This means there can be new enemies - Splicers that have gone into such a degradation from Plasmids and not being able to get any new ADAM they've become complete monsters, as opposed to the crazed but talking Splicers we knew, Splicers who have jacked themselves up with ADAM so much they've become tanks (a la Frank Fontaine at the end of the game), and obviously the "Big Mummies" we've been hearing rumours about, and maybe some others - who knows? Another indication that we're going to be in a Rapture which is much more destroyed than before is that at the end of the teaser trailer, the Bioshock logo gets water poured over it and rusts, to the point in which it was in Bioshock 1, but then it rusts even more, until it is in a total state of underwater-ness (barnacles, the paint on the lettering is flaking off), and then the 2 get's plastered on.
But in the teaser trailer, as the Bioshock 2: Sea of Dreams logo is shown, a brilliantly blue butterfly emerges from a barnacle, and flies off. This is part of a dreamy surrealism that seems to be surrounding the sequel at the moment - "sea of DREAMS", the butterfly, and the way the girl holding the Big Daddy/Mummy doll (the same one that was in the teaser website incidentally) has Rapture-esque skyscrapers erupt from the sand around her in the trailer. So maybe you won't be playing as the guy in the teaser website, but maybe a Little Sister? It would obviously seem that these girls are violently snatched by the Big Whatevers against their wills from the newspaper clippings but then why wouldtherebe onestaringat the ocean longingly in the trailer, and why would one be in possession of a doll resembling a Big Daddy, as if they already knew, or faintly remembered Rapture? Either these girls have already been to Rapture or they've been somehow (psychically?) DREAMING about it - henceforth the name.
But that still doesn't answer the fact it's supposed to be "partly a sequel, partly a prequel". I'd be happy if you could share your own thoughts, theories and answers to my questions in this thread, and if you know of a thread really similar to mine that I somehow didn't see, let me know.
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