So I've decided to make this thread in response to all the "Blizzard copied Warhammer" urban myths. My question is, why the heck would Blizzard start Warcraft games and Starcraft Games to be Warhammer titles without even having the license in the first place.
It just doesn't add up to me..I mean, if Blizzard lost their rights or didn't have rights to warhammer in the first place while making warcraft would they then turn and say oh well you know what I'm just going to make warhammer 40k and hope that we some how secure the rights to the franchise this time around. It just sounds simply illogical and blizzard is not that stupid.
It seems that the only thing people could say that was really copied was common fantasy archetypes and I'm sorry but warhammer didn't not create elves and dwarfs. Blizzard guys probably all played DnD and Warhammer games and got inspiration but in no way did they try and make a warhammer game two times to have their license revoked.
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