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even without unofficial patches by VtMB community, the game is fine (I finished it without those alright).
imo, VtMB is better.
of course, not to say The Witcher is bad; in fact, it's the best CRPG, alone with NWN2:MotB, in recent years.
Bloodlines is simply one of the best games money can buy. It is one of the few roleplaying games that facilitates actual roleplaying by letting you play different characters in different ways rather than the distinction between cIasses just being a sword or a spellbook.
Good language skills will let you talk your way through situations. A high perception will help you notice objects you might have otherwise missed (keys, clues, etc). Experience isn't awarded for killing enemies, so if you want to play a stealther who actually stealths, you can. You don't have to fight most enemies. You build the character you want and you play him the way you want. It's real roleplaying.
The Witcher is an awesome game, but it's B grade material compared with Bloodlines. In The Witcher, the player can influence the story with key choices, which is awesome, but the actual character development is closer to what you'd find in a JRPG than to a western game. Geralt's 'cIass' is already determined as the characterexisted before the game - he's a swordsman with light magical abilitirs. There's some good customisation, but it's all (or almost all) about combat abilities or skills related indirectly to combat. There isn't much freedom to really play your character.
All of Bloodlines' issues were fixed and 1.2 is silky smooth and super playable, and community patches have made the game even better by adding/unlocking content to make the game even deeper and awesomer. Buy it. You will not regret it. You can always wait for The Witcher EE, but Bloodlines is perfect right now.
Bloodlines is simply one of the best games money can buy. It is one of the few roleplaying games that facilitates actual roleplaying by letting you play different characters in different ways rather than the distinction between cIasses just being a sword or a spellbook.
Good language skills will let you talk your way through situations. A high perception will help you notice objects you might have otherwise missed (keys, clues, etc). Experience isn't awarded for killing enemies, so if you want to play a stealther who actually stealths, you can. You don't have to fight most enemies. You build the character you want and you play him the way you want. It's real roleplaying.
The Witcher is an awesome game, but it's B grade material compared with Bloodlines. All of the issues were fixed and 1.2 is silky smooth and super playable, and community patches have made the game even better by adding/unlocking content to make the game even deeper and cool.
That sounds cool as hell.
I am going to download Bloodlines from D2D as soon as the lightning storm in my town is over.artiedeadat40
Isn't it on steam?
[QUOTE="artiedeadat40"]I am going to download Bloodlines from D2D as soon as the lightning storm in my town is over.death1505921
Isn't it on steam?
I couldnt find it but if you see it send me a link. I would much rather go through Steam.
[QUOTE="death1505921"][QUOTE="artiedeadat40"]I am going to download Bloodlines from D2D as soon as the lightning storm in my town is over.artiedeadat40
Isn't it on steam?
I couldnt find it but if you see it send me a link. I would much rather go through Steam.
It's on Steam. I bought it from Steam. Just type Bloodlines in the search function on Steam, and you'll see it. It's only can't go wrong with that.
I played Bloodlines and The Witcher last year...two great games, that kept me intrigued. Play Bloodlines, and try the Witcher after you've won't be let down.
[QUOTE="artiedeadat40"][QUOTE="death1505921"][QUOTE="artiedeadat40"]I am going to download Bloodlines from D2D as soon as the lightning storm in my town is over.StrawberryHill
Isn't it on steam?
I couldnt find it but if you see it send me a link. I would much rather go through Steam.
It's on Steam. I bought it from Steam. Just type Bloodlines in the search function on Steam, and you'll see it. It's only can't go wrong with that.
I played Bloodlines and The Witcher last year...two great games, that kept me intrigued. Play Bloodlines, and try the Witcher after you've won't be let down.
Thats just what ill do. Thanks.
[QUOTE="fatshodan"]Bloodlines is simply one of the best games money can buy. It is one of the few roleplaying games that facilitates actual roleplaying by letting you play different characters in different ways rather than the distinction between cIasses just being a sword or a spellbook.
Good language skills will let you talk your way through situations. A high perception will help you notice objects you might have otherwise missed (keys, clues, etc). Experience isn't awarded for killing enemies, so if you want to play a stealther who actually stealths, you can. You don't have to fight most enemies. You build the character you want and you play him the way you want. It's real roleplaying.
The Witcher is an awesome game, but it's B grade material compared with Bloodlines. All of the issues were fixed and 1.2 is silky smooth and super playable, and community patches have made the game even better by adding/unlocking content to make the game even deeper and cool.
That sounds cool as hell.
Bloodlines is a really cool game, excellent humour and lot of variety, you should definitetly play it
[QUOTE="StrawberryHill"][QUOTE="artiedeadat40"][QUOTE="death1505921"][QUOTE="artiedeadat40"]I am going to download Bloodlines from D2D as soon as the lightning storm in my town is over.artiedeadat40
Isn't it on steam?
I couldnt find it but if you see it send me a link. I would much rather go through Steam.
It's on Steam. I bought it from Steam. Just type Bloodlines in the search function on Steam, and you'll see it. It's only can't go wrong with that.
I played Bloodlines and The Witcher last year...two great games, that kept me intrigued. Play Bloodlines, and try the Witcher after you've won't be let down.
Thats just what ill do. Thanks.
Just one thing to be carefull of, I am not sure but I heard some people saying that not all the community patches work with Bloodlines bought from steam
man i must reinstall it at some stage. i have it sitting pretty. it sounds like the game has really recieved a kick in the backside.
unfortunately the last time i played it, it was just with the official patch and i found it to be an unbalanced broken mess to be honest. there was a really great game wanting to get out (a game that could really give deus ex 1 a run for its money on all fronts imho)..i could see it. the characters were great. the gameplay, on paper at least, was great. the world was great. everythign was really top notch.
but the game was really unbalanced. certain skills i found became completly useless. if u didnt invest something in combat skills then the game became really really tough. then there were typos and differences between on screen text and what the character was saying verbally. performance (on a laptop that played HL2 pretty nicely) was absolutely woeful. then there were the bugs.
the game was clearly released in a badly unfinished state. the only other games i can think of that came out is that kind of shape were outcast (needed 6 patches to get it right and 1 seperate patch to actually install it) and ultima 9 (so bad they actually replaced one of the discs with what amounted too one massive patch).
still if they have fixed it then i really must give it a go again.
as for the witcher. wait for the enhanced edition. its a great game as is but the english translation is a bit dodgy in places at the mo. the new version is doing alot to fix that and a few performance issues also. its due very soon i month.
[QUOTE="carcina"]bloodlines=rpgwitcher=hack and slashvash47
Yeah, I agree. Witcher is not a hack-n-slash. It features one of the better plots in rpg gaming in recent years. There are twists at every corner...and the decisions you make are not static...they truly effect how the game pans out.
bloodlines=rpgwitcher=hack and slashcarcina
Do not listen to this guy, the witcher is NOTHING like a hack and slash, it has some of the stronger RPG elements you will ever see, strong dialog, choices, role playing. Geez.
[QUOTE="vash47"][QUOTE="carcina"]bloodlines=rpgwitcher=hack and slashStrawberryHill
Yeah, I agree. Witcher is not a hack-n-slash. It features one of the better plots in rpg gaming in recent years. There are twists at every corner...and the decisions you make are not static...they truly effect how the game pans out.
Exactly, that guy has no clue.
Wow! It just took me an hour to get this game to run in Vista 64 with 4gb of ram. Now I need to install the widescreen patch to get this to run at 1680x1050. This better be good.artiedeadat40
It's good, since it's the source engine, the widescreen version works perfect, with no stretch.
Bloodlines is good, but it depends on w hether older games appeal to you.
Dude, are you serious? Bloodlines isn't even four years old yet (same birthday as Half Life 2) and Source is still being used for new games. I know everyone has their own cutoff point when it comes to age, but four years ago? That just leaves me speechless man!
bloodlines=rpgwitcher=hack and slashcarcina
THis is not true.
Now while there is not a lot wrong with Witcher I'll still go with VtMB. Even after a few years Bloodlines is still one of the best RPGs out there. The re-playability is also really good. The factions you align yourself with, the character development is superb! Great voice acting. I love this game. I want a sequel. Trust us, you won't be sorry for getting it.
Let us know how you get along!
The Witcher
Bloodlines is good, but it depends on w hether older games appeal to you.
OLDER GAME ?? the game might not be as polished as HL2 but the graphics still hold up. Even if that wasn't the case The game is better than a lot of titles released in just the last few months. I think you should read your own signature. Gameplay dude, Gameplay.
Wow! It just took me an hour to get this game to run in Vista 64 with 4gb of ram. Now I need to install the widescreen patch to get this to run at 1680x1050. This better be good.artiedeadat40
Help me. I've wanted to get this game on Steam but have been put off by the problems with Vista x64. what did you do?
[QUOTE="artiedeadat40"]Wow! It just took me an hour to get this game to run in Vista 64 with 4gb of ram. Now I need to install the widescreen patch to get this to run at 1680x1050. This better be good.Rickylee
Help me. I've wanted to get this game on Steam but have been put off by the problems with Vista x64. what did you do?
I found this post over at steam forums. It did the trick for me. You might want to use the widescreen patch as well.
I am going to try the most recent unoffical patch. I hope it clears up any other little bugs.
[QUOTE="mrbojangles25"]Bloodlines is good, but it depends on w hether older games appeal to you.
Dude, are you serious? Bloodlines isn't even four years old yet (same birthday as Half Life 2) and Source is still being used for new games. I know everyone has their own cutoff point when it comes to age, but four years ago? That just leaves me speechless man!
lol ya I dont know why I said that. I think I was in a hurry to rush off to work. Especially considering Deus Ex is my favorite game and I play it five times a year at minimum, I emediately regret saying that, specifically because Bloodlines is an awesome game.
OK, let me rephrase myself:
The Witcher is a more traditional RPG set in a gothic, medieval-fantasy atsmosphere complete with elves, undead, humans, and whatnot. With that said, The Witcher's mood is a lot darker than other RPGs because the women are either hags or whores, the men are either arrogent or toothless dumbies, and the elves and dwarves are considered terrorists by humans. Its a depressing and dangerous atmosphere, but that is to the game's credit (i.e. I mean it in a good way).
Gameplay consists of, for the most part, character interaction and combat. NPC interaction is pretty typical; you walk up to someone, talk to them, get missions (or get laid, bro'! Dryads FTW!) etc. Combat is sorta-real-time; you click, and you swing your sword, and you cast your spells. There are combos and different styles (fast, slow, and group), etc etc. Alchemy is also a large part of the game, and of being a Witcher (the human-mutant your character is) so that adds depth as well.
The strengths of The Witcher are its dark, gritty atmosphere, usually-great story, entertaining combat and NPC interaction, and its just plain fun.
Bloodlines is an action-RPG. You can play it from either a third or first person perspective depending on your preference (I liked third person for melee and first for when I shoot stuff). But unlike games such as System Shock 2, Deus Ex, and Mass Effect which are pretty much 70% action and 30% RPG, Bloodlines is more like 50% action and 50% RPG.
The real strengths of Bloodlines are depth and replayability. I say depth because there are a lot of types of vampires, and a lot of ways to build off those types. You can be an socialite vampire and practically talk your way through most of the game, or you can be a Nosferatu and stealth your way through it (my personal favorite). Want to use shotguns? Cool, you can. What about your bare fist? Great, snap all the necks you want! You can even club people with a severed arm! Replayability I mention because, as I said before, you can do it so many different ways. There are factions and NPCs you can get on the good or bad side of, etc.
So to sum up, it boils down to this:
1. Do you want a more traditional RPG in a gritty fantasy setting?...
2. Or do you want an action-RPG set in the modern world where you get to be a hot vampire chick and straddle other chicks and suck their blood!?!? Oh ya, with ultra-cool gameplay, NPC interaction, and other stuff.
This is one of my top all time games. The story is great and immerse. You may find it a bit dated, but I don't think it will distract too much. The ability to take many different paths, with many different side quests and endings makes this a truly excellent game.
I had no bugs or glitches that I can remember. going to play it again now that you brought it up!
Its hard to find now on cd. I haven't seen a reissue?
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