[QUOTE="GhoX"]That's an integrated graphics card, so it never was too strong in the first place. My guess? At some point your wife started playing Sims 3 on her lap, on the bed or any other soft suffocating surface that may block laptop's puny little fan, causing the laptop to overheat and permanently damaging some of the components. This of course doesn't mean it happened in an instance; it's more likely that it happened over a period of time as habit goes. This is just my guess though, since a lot of good information is not available namely the details of this "fatal error". Is your laptop's warranty still intact? You should contact the manufacturer for potential return and replacement.gothic_kane
Yea i understand about the needing to elevate the Lappy as it goes thats whats done 90% of the damage to my own laptop, so 90-95% hers is always elevated and the fan clear, as it happens its still prone to overheating which seeing how 3 mobile messed us up on the contract the warranty is no good to us, as I believe it's over a year old now anyway.
As for details on the "FATAL ERROR" I have none it just locked up then when we tried to cold reboot it it simply wouldn't boot up anx we had no access to Windows. Managed to force the HP Recovery System to re-install but even that took best part of an hour, I think their maybe be corruption in the recovery segment of the HD, but seeing as its an OEM Opperating Syatem i'm not about to tamper with it.Plus its one of only 3 opperating systems I've owned myself! The other been Win 3.11 & Win 95. So that's the best I can give.
Lastly I've solved the problem it's thenew Sims 1.11 Patch.. at least since I re-installed and did the updates from 1.2.7 upwads incrementally to 1.10 assoon as the 1.11 went on it broke again ... so I blame EA. However I've re-installed for the third time today and it's up and running so ... I'm just leaving it be on the1.10 update.
Thanks for the input though guys much appreciated.
I reckon u still have a problem with the HDD....it should be a warranty swap....if not, replace it with a new HDD urself...
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