Looks like gearbox is really going all out to improving borderlands 2 and realy taking the extra effort to make the pc version the best version. First one looked and ran great on the pc but the ui didn't work well with a m/kb and the low FOV felt caltrophobic. Also with the game being so heavily co-op focused the ommision of splitscreen from the pc version was a let down glad there going to be including it supporting it for the pc in the second game to many devlopers leave it out of the pc when its perfectly capable if not more capable of myhandhling splitscreen then consoles. This along with the exclusive serious sam 3 are 2 big shooters that will have include native 4 player splitscreen support out of the box none of this config editing and typing in commands each time you want to play you hear that valve? Also glad there going to be making the world more varied the first one was pretty bland in that regard with not enough variation to really seperate each area visually.
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