If any of you played World of Warcraft, chances are you play it "seasonaly". I mean play for 2 months, 1 month break, play for 1 month, 3 month break, play for 2 months, 2 months break and the cycle goes on. Now after a while I yet again want to start playing. What is it with that game that just keeps me going back, doing the same stuff over and over. Back in the day, Runescape was like that. Now its World of Warcraft.
Any of you out there that actually are finished with the game? I mean really done with it. Never have the urge to play again?
And what do you think makes this particular MMO so successful?
This is very true. I told myself that it was done with the game, but then WotLK came so yeah :p. I really liked that expansion.
I feel that I have "finished" the game now, yes. Class-wise I have hardcore raided as tank / dps (Death knight) and healer pre WotLK (Paladin). So I have 'mastered' all types of classes. I feel now that I have finished the game in another sense aswell, as I have worked my way up to a top guild.
The game is extremly fun, and I still think it is, especially as DPS. It's not just what you do in raids, a huge part of the fun is outside of raids when I was 'researching' talent specs / glyphs /enchants / gems / spell rotations to get the highest DPS possible and then applying this into the boss fights. It was especially fun as a DK, because the class is hard to play. The downside is that you have to play constatly in order to keep up gear-wise, and to keep your spot in the guild. I mean you don't have to put in alot of time, but that's where the fun part is imo. Now that I'm 20 years old and I'm getting into the more advanced courses in college, I don't see myself hardcore raiding anymore. Sure I miss it, but I don't really feel an urge anymore.
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