Win XP or Vista? for that 1 gig of video ram?
Got to remember the WinXP has a max addressable ram of 4gigs. And it addresses system ram last. So if you stick a 1gig video card in there and you stick 4 gigs of ram, as well, then you'll end up losing about 1.2 gigs of ram when it's all said and done. Go SLI/Crossfire then you lose another Gig from your overall.... around 2.2 gigs... In which case, you're better off buying 2 gigs of system ram than 4..... (or get a Vista 64 OS.... that can address more ram.)
Just something to think about when going for (2)1gig video cards versus (2) 512's.... with WinXP. (...or even one video card.)
I don't know if you plan on going duel cards or not, but as far as the 4850 is concerned... if you look at bench marks I linked below... duel 4850's are about the same as a single 4870. 2 4850 will run you about $320 bucks, more or less, but a single 4870 run about $270.... Just note that the link is the sum; if you look at the indivdual test you'll see them swap all over the place... depending on all sorts of factors.,795.html
anything ending with CF stands for Crossfire... Ending with SLI is SLI....obviously.
Also 4850's generally run hot... and thus have noisy fans to compensate; also ATI driver autofan speeds suck; you have to modify them yourself to keep the temp down. Either by locking them in at 50-70% RPM or using Rivatuner... going into the Power user setting to unlock the auto function. Go into the Fan settings and change the value to 3; then reboot the PC. And then modifying the autofan chart within Rivatuner... Check that 'startup this way' box for auto fan mode so your setting don't get replaced by the ATI default settings. And then everytime you boot up your PC you must enter Rivatuner and click the box to auto from fixed RPM... and press OK, not Apply. CCC tends to overwrite that RPM chart if you don't check the startup this way box. Rivatuner goes into Fix RPM mode probably because of CCC, and apply usually bumps up your RPM setting for some reason within Rivatuner for ATI cards (you'll have to factor that in when you adjust that RPM chart, as well).
4870's seem to run cooler...overall, but you probably will still want to mess with the RPM fan settings for it, too....
As for Nivida... I dont' remember reading too much of them have heat problems due to RPM fan speeds; That's why I suggested to go ATI if you plan on buying a duel video card motherboard; if you're going single and don't ever plan going duel.... well. Nvidia seems a bit more far as what they put in their drivers... So... yeah tough choices....
I've been planning on an upgrade myself.... but after my reasearch.... and not really knowing which way to go... I decided to not bother with it until a while longer; if ever.... May just go the console route instead....
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