Far from quality products but is one really better than the other?
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Far from quality products but is one really better than the other?
Own both id say give bulletstorm a chance..Where i find duke nume em forever not bad..Bulletstorm is bye far the better game..
bulletstorm in my opinion is a quality product, pure fun with good value, duke nukem on the other hand....
I wouldn't give Duke Nukem another second of my life. I saw my younger brother play it and almost got a heart-attack.
Bulletstorm seems interesting so i'd say go for that.
Bulletstorm, was some of the most fun i had in a game. Duke Nukem had was fun for about an hr then you relize i'm doing the same exact thing i did 10 mins ago
FixedBulletstorm, was some of the most fun i had in a game. Duke Nukem had was fun for about an hr then you relize i'm doing the same exact thing i did 10 years ago
Bulletstorm, was some of the most fun i had in a game. Duke Nukem had was fun for about an hr then you relize i'm doing the same exact thing i did 10 mins ago
Isn't BulletStorm like that?
Duke Nukem definitely runs very well on PC, as for whether or not it's a good game, that's another story. I never played any of the other Duke Nukem games and I thoroughly enjoyed the gameplay, but a lot of that has to do with having more common sense than most gamers, so I can avoid a lot of the cognitive biases that prevent one from being able to enjoy what is potentially pleasant. Bulletstorm is excellent, but I'd play it on consoles since the PC port wasn't too good, whereas DNF was the opposite, the console ports weren't too good. Duke Nukem Forever felt like a wannabe Half Life 2 but the campaign was interesting enough to play the entire thing and Bulletstorm is just non-stop action, probably 99%+ of gamers would say that Bulletstorm is better, but that doesn't necessarily mean more fun.
DNF is a solid shooter, but the main issue with its PR is the fact that everyone went into the game expecting Half Life 3: Balls of Steel Edition, but instead got a merely solid shooter, which pales in comparison to their expectations. It's like how being able to bench press 285lb might make a guy seem strong, but if people expect him to bench 405lb and he gets crushed by their expectations, then of course they'll find his actual strength to be rather disappointing. Bulletstorm on the other hand had very low expectations and soared, but I'd say overall Bulletstorm is a well made game, and in fact, although I didn't beat the campaign, I consider it an extremely fun game(in fact I plan on beating it soon since I only bought the game and tried it out, but I was already in middle of finishing some other games). Games like Bulletstorm, Postal 2, and Earth's Defense Force will never be considered video game 'gems', and yet they will always be more fun than the vast majority of video game 'gems'.
Oh and another thing, I'd probably only recommend DNF to gamers that are unfamiliar with Duke Nukem but are fans of old school PC gaming, at least, that was the case with me and I think I'm the only non-fan that enjoyed the game.
I like both, and prefer Duke Nukem Forever, but most prefer Bulletstorm. Not to mention Bulletstorm looks better.
Bulletstorm, there's no comparison.
Bulletstorm is not the greatest game ever but it's a fun, solid shooter with a couple of neat new ideas. It's story is kinda dumb and the game is very linear but it makes up for it with lots of action and over the top antics.
Duke Nukeem Forever is dull, bland and mediocre. The humor is subjective of course but while the whole Duke ego thing was a small side joke in the original games, in DNF it's turned into the center point, and for me, there's just not enough there for it to be the central element in the game. It's a mediocre shooter. While most things works, nothing really works very well, the humor is flat, the action is dull, the visuals are bland and so on.
It's not the worst game out there or anything like that, it's just not worth spending time and money on.
Anyone tried DNF multiplayer? is it fun?masterdrat
It's like old school DM so if you haven't played games pre-Halo, you'll get eaten alive by the skill curve plus probably won't enjoy the simple run and gun shooting. If you enjoy Counterstrike, Team Fortress, or Stalker multiplayer, you will enjoy DNF multiplayer. It takes a while to get good with the aiming so the difference between a newbie and a pro is huge and the combat isn't too forgiving to newbies, much like with similar multiplayer experiences found on Quake, Unreal, etc.
PS: Bulletstorm is pretty much the highest rated "fun" game in that it can appeal to a very specific group of people, while getting a good rating. Few "specialist" games can be as well recieved by the general public, without ending up mainstream, although we'll probably see that happen with the sequel :?
Bulletstorm, was some of the most fun i had in a game. Duke Nukem had was fun for about an hr then you relize i'm doing the same exact thing i did 10 mins ago
Isn't BulletStorm like that?
Skillshots kinda keep it going.
Bulletstorm, was some of the most fun i had in a game. Duke Nukem had was fun for about an hr then you relize i'm doing the same exact thing i did 10 mins ago
Isn't BulletStorm like that?
or any fps for that matter, but bulletstorm is actually fun at that. If dnf forever was anything like the old duke 3d it would have been awesome, but the terrible pacing really ruined it for me.
Didn't play Duke Nukem other than the demo. Bulletstorm i have played/beat and was a blast. So i pick Bulletstorm.
The humor in both games is terrible(albeit DNF's is far worse), but at least Bulletstorm plays well which is more than I can say about Duke Nukem.
Bulletstorm, was some of the most fun i had in a game. Duke Nukem had was fun for about an hr then you relize i'm doing the same exact thing i did 10 mins ago
Isn't BulletStorm like that?
Nup. Far from it..... I was always mixing the guns up and experimenting - there is something about the game where doing the skillshot feels 'unsatisfying'. Finished the game with quite alot of missing skillshots.Far from quality products but is one really better than the other?
I hated both. Does it really have to be between two bad games ? I guess Bulletstorm if you must make me choose but for the love of all that is holy please buy something else.
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