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To me, the Sims games are just boring :/
I still don't get how they are the constant top selling games every month...
C&C 3 all the way! It's spec requirements are low so no need to worry there, game play is awesome, no bugs (very little at least), awesome multilayer, great campaign while it lasts (way to short in my opinion), movies were a great touch to it, was true to C&C. Got over 80 hours in it already. xfire-alphaforce125concord9
same here.
I'm shocked to say the least that a thread about such wildly contrasting games hasn't broken out into a flame fest. I hope you guys can keep it that way :)
I just installed a whole lotta expansion packs for the Sims2 for my niece and I must say it was kinda cool to play around with the building aspect of the game. The people interaction was a yawn fest though.
C&C is very contrasting in that it's an intense button mashing type of game that'll have you on the edge of your seat.
All that said I'm not quite sure why you are picking between the 2 types of games. What are you looking to get out of them?
thats kinda unspecified what exactly are your specsim interested in both, but does c&c 3 require a really good computer? Mine's just ok, with a decent graphic card.
I would have to go with CnC3 only becuase I find The Sims boring. CnC3 isn't all that great though, I've finnished the GDI campaign and at the end of NOD, so it's playeble... but not as good as I thought it would be. I'm actually playing Age of Empires 3 Warchiefs at the moment:P
Lots ofpromising strategy games on thehorizon though:)
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