I have a 8800gts 320mb and that is worse than the 4850 i believe but i can still play every game on Max settings at 1680x1050 so i would think that the 4850 could play them all on max settings as well other than Crysis.
Depending on your processor, you should be doing pretty well with higher settings in Crysis. Nearly every other game should be running maxed with 4x AA and 16x AF.
Every game I've played so far except Crysis has been maxed out with an HD4850. So far I've played Team Fortress 2(~100fps), Grid(~45fps), Mass Effect(~45fps) and CoD4(~60fps). Crysis I've played on high settings and I'm getting around 25-40fps for the most part. This is at 1680x1050, with 16xAF and at least 4xAA(some at 8x).
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