If you're looking for some faster paced multiplayer, Team Fortress 2 (shooter) is pretty damn fun and has a lively community. On the action-rpg side, I am having a blast playing through Diablo 3 right now. Game has evolved a lot since it was released, never seen a game change so much, and for the better too.
Witcher 3 is significantly different than the first two; I know you said you don't want to hear about it, but it's really a brilliant game. Likewise in the GOTY category, Metal Gear Solid V is a lot of fun, and iirc there is multiplayer coming soon to PC and I hear it is pretty slick.
For strategy, you can't go wrong with Civilization 5 or Beyond Earth for turn-based games; if you want something relaxing that kills hours upon hours, either of those are good options. For real-time strategy, the recently released Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak is pretty amazing, and in that same era Homeworld Remastered is an AMAZING way to either revisit a classic game, or experience it for the first time in graphically enhanced beauty. For a more tactics-based strategy game, the newest XCOM is about as good as it gets, and with the sequel coming out soon it's a good time to jump on the justifiable bandwagon.
If you want a more old-school DnD-feeling RPG game, you have two awesome options: Divinity: Original Sin, or Pillars of Eternity.
Don't know much about sports games, but I hear Rocket League is just awesome.
Hmmm what else have I played recently....
...Fallout 4? A bit disappointing imo, but still an awesome game, especially if you are tired of Skyrim and looking for that next open-world adventure. Ooooooh and Just Cause 3! Amazing, silly fun!
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor is a lot of fun; likewise, a semi open-world experience and plays just like the Arkham Batman games.
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