I have a five year old PC that I don't use anymore, but my brother uses it to play some older games that are mild in terms of graphics (CS 1.6, War Rock, etc.). I was wondering if I could overclock the CPU or GPU for him just so he can get the most out of it. I don't want to overdo it, I just want to get it up to the highest it can go and be 101% safe. It has an ATI Radeon 9800 128MB on it and an Intel P4 Northwood (2.4 GHz). How can I go about OC'ing both of them, and how stable will they be? I am new to this, so a guide would be great. Thanks!
I don't know anything about Northwood chips, but that RADEON 9800 was ATI's best card until the HD4850 (in relative terms - best of its era). I'd leave it well alone - it's like a finely aged wine! :P
Download ClockGen and don't overclock ur cpu more than 15% without any playing with the voltage for a somewhat considerably safe overclocking. Make sure the tempreture is somewhat stable. Check ur motherboard for compability for a rather more technical but more dangerous oc, voltage... and for ur GPU... personally i wouldn't recommend it.
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