I'm about a week away on stepping up to a GX2. Since then, I bought a Blu-ray drive for my computer and some movies. For the most part, Casino Royale and Terminator 2 sounded great on my Logitech Z5500. Both had regular 5.1 tracks. Then, when I rented Walk Hard, it only has a TrueHD trasck and outputs to stereo only. The question I ask is whether this card can decode the TrueHD tracks and output over SPDIF. I know that optical outputs TrueHD in stereo, but technically, if the sound is already decoded from the card, can it output regularly over these speakers? Or do I need a compatible external receiver? I'm stumped guys! Any help would be great! :)
i have the logitech z5500 and mine was outputting everything in stereo aswell untell i went into advanced settings on power dvd ultra and set the output to optical and put DTS/spdif mixing on and evrything from my blu-rays is 5.1 now or DTS. im not sure weather the GX2 decodes HD audio sources but im not sure
Wow, that'll certainly do for me! The only thing left now is to upgrade to Ultra. Newegg has it for 80, but if anyone else knows cheaper places post 'em up.
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