The only solution is to hunt them down *grabs shotgun* who is with me?ZuluEcho14
*grabs mini gun...puts magnum in pocket* ill be there asap....this minigun is heavy. WHEEZ!!!
seriously...the first thing companies need to accept is that they can never ever really abolish piracy becauase the ppl who actively back it are too numerous and way to smart. what we might see as a deterrent...they see it as a challenge. u cant fight that.
the reason pairacy is less apparent on consoles is for 2 reasonts
1) console shave a PR machine that size of a smal nation...they would never ever discuss the chance of piracy on their system or piracy figures.
2) the consoles have anti piracy measures built into them from day 1...the PC does not.
point 1 is a bit of a joke.
but the PC could learn an awful lot from point 2. what consoles do is create hassle for pirates but the system remains mostly hidden from legit customers. a legit customer on a console put in the disc and the game works and all modes are available to them. whats mroe..the game will always work on that console for them. its a very harsh anti piracy system but its a system that onle effects non legit customers. its invisible to legit customers.
obhiously the system is not is crackable but its hassle and pirates could very well end up with a lesser game or the game may refuse to work after a firmware update. worst case scenario..they might need to mod the console. the number of ppl willing to do that is quite small in the grand scheme of things (in many countires its also illegal....though the ethical merits of that can be discussed in a different topic.
PC has no such hassle. a quick guide and ure usually good to go. sometimes online migh be disabeled but it wont be long before non offical servers and options are open to pirates. updates to windows wont mess it up. so really pirates have it pretty easy on the PC.
to really combat this problem...i think the PCGA, along with major software devs and hardware manufacturers, should start looking at a complete anti piracy system..from hardware to software. build anti piracy measures into the hardware. make it part of the chipset...part of the GPU and CPU also. have seperate firmware on the motherboard that handels authentication (dont leave it up to the OS) and update that firmware to close gaps.
again it wouldnt be perfect...but hacking that system would create a huge amount of hassle (and possibly bork ure PC if u tried to tamper with it) and that alone would make more ppl honest.
of course this does sound like HDCP....which has a very bad rep (and some of it is justified of course). the trick to this systme would be to implement it while still maintaining the open nature of the PC. obhiously any form of lock down or lock out in terms of allowing companies or individuals to make hardware or software would be completly unacceptable.
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