A casual gamer is someone who only plays games that are popular, whether they are advertised heavily by word of mouth or television. They don't actually play the games to enjoy them, they play games so that other people can know that they play them, hense the 360's achievements prospect.flclempire
Huh? What does 360 and achievements have to do with the term casual?
I consider myself a casual gamer, because I don't play only one or two games thet I've become pro at them and earn money off of them (hardcore gamers). I enjoy every game I get and I don't get only "popular" games, in fact I got tired of all those serious crap games out there and I mostly play "fun" games, now, simple ones like Trackmania, Penny Arcade (awesome game :)) and others.
I see absolutely no reason to bring consoles into discussion. Yeah console gamers are casual, they can't be pro at those games, they can't earn money from those games, they are not that complex, etc, but still :|.
Do you think people play games to show off? Do YOU get achievements in games just to show off?
Games are fun, they are not a job (can be), should the "casual" gamers be ashamed that they casually play games, what, do I have to be "hardcore" so that I can enjoy games?
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