Tried to burn files onto a CD-RW and now disc is kia(cant be read from any reader), the tried burning a DvD with the same burner, you can see the info burned but cant read the disc.Also put a brand new CDRW in Dvd drive and it acted like it burned the disc but theres no info on it(reads as blank disc) Burned another cd with my other CD-RW burner burnt fine. So its not a program/software problem. The dvd burner reads discs fine games,movies etc., so my question is that is that does the Dvd drive have two different lens one to read and another to burn? So is it time to get a new one?
Sounds like the lens is borked, I had an older drive one time that did the same, it would act as if it burned something but left the media blank, now its used as a normal CD/DVD-ROM drive
Another thing to try, make sure you are "closing" the disc when you burn it. i.e. turn off multisession, or turn off the ability to be able to write files to it later.
It does sound like the writer is "borked" as the previous poster said, but I know multisession discs can cause some weird issues too.
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