AS the title says it. as a believer of not paying monthly charges I usually wait for things like this to happen to try out the game. Is Champions worth it and well populated?
It's a good game, it offers a lot of character creation options, the maps are large enough, the story might be a little boring, it takes time to learn how everything works, it's fun... When the game was initially developed, it was thought to be a "Marvel Universe Online" but it was cancelled, so when you go in-game you'll find out that many of the abilities that you can choose, are the ones from the heroes of the Marvel Comics.
And since they have improved a lot of stuff for the "Free for all" version,I thing it's good enough to take a look at it.
I found it fun to create a few heroes, since the character creation is great you you can truly make quite a unique hero.
Unfortunately the gameplay doesn't hold up, it's shallow and repetative, but if you want a few hours of fun out of being your very own superhero i suggest you try it.
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