Found this using Google. Search engines were made for a reason:
"Saved games (or other saved data) are easily accessible through the game when COD4:MW is installed. Once it has been deleted, if you have not deleted the saved information, you have to go to a specific directory.
If you are on XP, this is straightforward. You go to the folder where the game assets used to be stored (default is C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare) and look for the Players directory.
However, if you are running on Vista in a typical fashion (user mode with standard settings) you have to find the virtual store. This will depend on your username. You have to combine the path to the Virtual Store with the path from Program Files. In general terms this will be the following: [HDD]:\Users\\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare. In order to see the AppData folder, click on Start->Control Panel->Folder Options. Click on the view tab, then click Show hidden files and folders."
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