if it's more than 500 dollars definately not. if you want something that will do anything, get a dual core, 1 gig of DDR3 ram 250 gigs hard drive, and the video card is just fine. If that computer there has vista RUN FOR YOUR LIFE. Vista will make that computer very unlikely to play any games due to it's ungodly neccessity for 512 mb minimum due to Microsoft's need to make programs so embezled with code that is absolutely unneccessary that it is WASTING resources merely so that intel can design faster chipsets and you'll have to buy a new computer.
Oh and make sure the RAM is dual channel I think it's called. It's the type of RAM where they are both able to be used simultaneously as long as you have identicle RAM. You can build a system close to what I'm talking about for less than 600. If you wanna game on a computer, you can't skimp on too many parts. And if you want good for cheap www.geeks.com
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