computer games affecting your view of reality...

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#1 A-S_FM
Member since 2004 • 2208 Posts

this may all seem a little crazy, but it's a thought i've been playing with for the last few years

i've been playing games for quite a long while now, so i've seen them develop an awful lot, come a long way

as an example, games have gone from conveying light and dark by having either a lightly or darkly coloured backdrop, to real time lighting and dynamic shadows

and the more i see these things in games, the more amazed i am by them, like the first time i ever saw those cool light reflections off of surfaces like metal and glass (don't know the technical terms) that move with you as you move

and, well, it's starting to affect my opinions of reality

those ordinary, everyday things, like light reflecting off a puddle of water, or shadows dancing through a tree blowing gently in the wind, are just astounding me in real life - just the beauty of it all, things i didn't give a second thought to just a couple years ago

i've seen them in computer games, and been able to compare them with games that didn't have them, and have been amazed by how awesome these effects are

and now, it's bizzare i guess, but i'm equally amazed when i see them in real life - there's a church i walk past on my way home from work that has its uppermost steeple illuminated at night, and i was just transfixed by the lighting effects - or on a particularly sunny day, the way blinding light reflects off of cars as they drive past... i couldn't stop staring at the cars as they drove by - you know? just ordinary, everyday this-is-real-life stuff - i'm astounded by... just the beauty of it all - because of computer games

so i was wondering, has anyone else ever experinced this? do any of you feel that technologically advanced games have altered your perception of real life in any way? i never used to stare at shadows and smile like a crazy person a few years ago, i know that much for sure

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#2 Judza
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No. I look at games like that, knowing that it is games imitating reality, not the other way around.
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#3 ElectricNZ
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I look at cars and think they look great in real life, the attention to detail that sometimes lack in racing games... maybe I just like cars :\
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#4 SuperBeast
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Games have definitely made me look at the world a different way, but not in the ways your describing. It hasn't happened for about 5yrs or so (strangely enough) ....but I remember one time I was drinking/fishing with some friends by the lake... It started raining a bit, but since we were buzzing pretty good we just ignored our soaking clothes.. While staring into the water, I announced "WTF....The water effects with the rain suck, they should have done it like Morrowind". Luckily they knew what I was talking about and had to agree. I've probably made a few other "those graphics suck" statements since then and have gotten some strange looks :)
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#5 mrbojangles25
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Hahaha wow, not what I was expecting when I first read the title of the post: I was expecting something along the lines of "Games are distorting reality and desensitizing us to be more accepting of violence."

Fortunately, I was wrong, and your optimistic outlook is very nice.  I dont quite look at a sunset or a flat surface of water reflecting a mountain backdrop as "lighting effects," but I do appreciate them for what they are.  Games truly are becoming more and more realistic looking.  Just look at Crysis: now, I am not talking about how nice the textures are and stuff like that, but I am referring to the other, smaller things.  Depth of field, motion blur...crap like that, all very interesting and if I were younger, I would problably run really fast to see if my vision got blurred from a fast motion.

On a side note, am I the only one who does not want photorealism or near-photorealism in my games?  I mean, realistic lighting and shadows are nice, but [like someone above said] these games are imitating real life, and I dont like that to a certain degree.  I play games to have fun, yes, but I also do it to appreciate the creativity of the developers.  Instead of a developer saying "Hey, how trippy of an alien environment can I make?" they will be bound to say "How accurate an envrionment can I make of a jungle."  Not a lot of creativity or true artwork in the latter, just mostly duplication of a real thing.

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#6 Ilya_basic
Member since 2002 • 73 Posts
No, the exact opposite happend to me actually while playing Morrowind back in the day.  In the game, it was right outside one of the main towns (don't remember the name by now) and there was a river and it started raining.  It gave me the most nostalgic feeling of my home city, Kiev-Eukrain, which I only remember fragments of, seeing as how I was six years old when I moved to the U.S.  Somebody above me mentioned Morrowind as well, which I find pretty funny.
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#7 briggsxxx
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this may all seem a little crazy, but it's a thought i've been playing with for the last few years

i've been playing games for quite a long while now, so i've seen them develop an awful lot, come a long way

as an example, games have gone from conveying light and dark by having either a lightly or darkly coloured backdrop, to real time lighting and dynamic shadows

and the more i see these things in games, the more amazed i am by them, like the first time i ever saw those cool light reflections off of surfaces like metal and glass (don't know the technical terms) that move with you as you move

and, well, it's starting to affect my opinions of reality

those ordinary, everyday things, like light reflecting off a puddle of water, or shadows dancing through a tree blowing gently in the wind, are just astounding me in real life - just the beauty of it all, things i didn't give a second thought to just a couple years ago

i've seen them in computer games, and been able to compare them with games that didn't have them, and have been amazed by how awesome these effects are

and now, it's bizzare i guess, but i'm equally amazed when i see them in real life - there's a church i walk past on my way home from work that has its uppermost steeple illuminated at night, and i was just transfixed by the lighting effects - or on a particularly sunny day, the way blinding light reflects off of cars as they drive past... i couldn't stop staring at the cars as they drove by - you know? just ordinary, everyday this-is-real-life stuff - i'm astounded by... just the beauty of it all - because of computer games

so i was wondering, has anyone else ever experinced this? do any of you feel that technologically advanced games have altered your perception of real life in any way? i never used to stare at shadows and smile like a crazy person a few years ago, i know that much for sure



Hello Neo, in this hand I have a red pill ,, in this hand I have a blue pill .(pause) good you chose the red pill. get rdy for the



I dont know how old you are, so maybe its age catching up to and now your finally appreciating all the things you took for granted growing up... trust me , the younglins dont notice these things.

Or maybe you finally woke up and smelled the roses to a point.. maybe now you'll take some to look at the stars and a sunrise or sunset in a different way.. take the time to smell the chilly cold air in the forest away from the city. or on a warm spring day.

dont wake up in the mouring thinking , today is just another day, its not , its a new day and what you make of it , is up to you. 


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#8 Samulies
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When mum opens my blinds in the morning i scream AHH FLASHBANG!!
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#9 briggsxxx
Member since 2006 • 244 Posts

When mum opens my blinds in the morning i scream AHH FLASHBANG!!Samulies


LOL , thx you made my point for me .


funny too. 

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#10 Samulies
Member since 2005 • 1658 Posts
i do that alot :D np
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#11 Sirthugalot
Member since 2007 • 67 Posts
No because you can just press the power button and walk away.
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#12 krazyorange
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I agree with the first remark that games have most definitely affected my perception on reality. As opposed to those joking about Neo or whatnot, we haven't allowed games to distort or warp our outlook, games have enhanced our worldly experiences. I remember there was an ice storm in my town about a month ago and it covered all the trees with ice, then the next day, the sun was out with blue skies and it refracted from all the branches of every single tree and made everything look like diamond trees. It was stunning, and I guarantee I wouldn't notice or appreciate the little things as much as I do now if it weren't for the games I play. Every time I plug in a new FPS or a game which touts itself as having the best graphics, I take the time to see exactly why they claim that; I look for the details and appreciate them. In this way, I also do this to reality and why I'm walking to work or home or somewhere else, I look around and find small amazing worldy things I never would have appreciated before.
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#13 monco59
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Had a similar experience. When HL2 came out, I was blown away by the water effects. Soon after I realized real water doesn't look nearly as good, and I was actually disappointed. Not in HL2 but in real life, since the water was so much better in the game. Silly I guess, but true...
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#14 xcryonicx
Member since 2006 • 1294 Posts
I can relate. I never used to really admire reflections off the surface of water until I saw it in some games. That and how shadows are cast on the ground through trees when the sun is out mid-day. It's pretty cool how video games can bring to attention the things in real life they try to replicate.
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#15 TheCrazed420
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Haha, great post! I have a very similar experience. It was when Oblivion first came out, and I was spending days downloading mods, and doing tweaks in the config file. I had spent so much time carefully examining the improved textures and lighting, and trees, that when I went into my backyard and walked around our lot, I found myself doing the exact same thing, but in real life. Seeing how the sun comes thru the trees, the way the grass sways, the clouds overhead. It was a very strange feeling. Even stranger is when I look at something in the real world and I think it somehow looks fake. I remember looking at clouds sometimes and thinking they looked too flat, stuff like that. Fun times.
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#16 PCgamerX
Member since 2004 • 324 Posts

This is a very interesting topic.

As someone mentioned, people tend to take these sorts of 'ordinary' things (light reflecting on water, etc.) for granted after they get used to them during childhood, but begin to appreciate them more as they get older.  Certainly people who study nature for a living (physicists, applied mathematicians, biologists, and so on) usually appreciate how absolutely crazy and strange the world is, and are less likely to take things like this for granted.  I guess I fall into this category, so I have always been rather amazed by the most 'commonplace' things in the world.

It is very fascinating to me that experiencing the simulated world of a computer game has a similar power to make us more aware of the 'real world'.  I am not sure if gaming has had this sort of impact on my perception of the world, but now that I have begun to think along these lines, it probably will.  

By the way, I think that when graphics programmers and artists talk about photo-realism, they don't necessarily mean that the environments, characters, or objects in the game need to be 'real' per se.  They just mean that they want to simulate certain core aspects of reality in a way that is more believable-- for instance, the behavior of light, fluid mechanics, realistic gravity and collision simulation, and so on.  It is entirely possible to create a game in a completely alien world, with alien characters and even modified rules of physics which is still better because it has these 'core' elements of realism.  

Man, I can't wait to see where graphics and game design in general are headed in the next 10-20 years.     



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#17 SageFrenchkiss
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I can relate to the idea of "waking up" to reality. It's all about how you perceive the world around you. Nowadays it can be really hard to separate your preconceptions from what you actually "see".

In other words, your brain has a tendency to associate certain objects and people with certain ideas and concepts. Instead of simply "seeing" what it is you're looking at, your brain is going through the process of first identifying the object or person, then associating that image with any memories attached to it, and then combining it all together in your actual conscious thoughts. Being able to break down that whole thought process makes it possible to actually SEE the world as it is, instead of having your brain try to figure it all out and categorize it.

It's one of the things that a lot of artists have to learn before they can really create work of their own. It's friggin hard to do, not something that comes easily, that's for sure (although the use of certain drugs does create a bit of a shortcut). This is mainly because all the things we surround ourselves with (TV, Movies, Websites, Magazines...) are constantly trying to manipulate our concept of what is real, what is important. We have to break that cycle of indoctrination on our own.

At least with games, we are given the ablility to interact with and change what we witness on the screen. In many ways, playing a beautiful game can put us in touch with that "pure visual splendor" because in most cases we are left on our own to interpret the images.

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#18 0_Wii_Man_0
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When mum opens my blinds in the morning i scream AHH FLASHBANG!!Samulies
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#19 PCgamerX
Member since 2004 • 324 Posts

I can relate to the idea of "waking up" to reality. It's all about how you perceive the world around you. Nowadays it can be really hard to separate your preconceptions from what you actually "see". In other words, your brain has a tendency to associate certain objects and people with certain ideas and concepts. Instead of simply "seeing" what it is you're looking at, your brain is going through the process of first identifying the object or person, then associating that image with any memories attached to it, and then combining it all together in your actual conscious thoughts. Being able to break down that whole thought process makes it possible to actually SEE the world as it is, instead of having your brain try to figure it all out and categorize it. It's one of the things that a lot of artists have to learn before they can really create work of their own. It's friggin hard to do, not something that comes easily, that's for sure (although the use of certain drugs does create a bit of a shortcut). This is mainly because all the things we surround ourselves with (TV, Movies, Websites, Magazines...) are constantly trying to manipulate our concept of what is real, what is important. We have to break that cycle of indoctrination on our own.SageFrenchkiss

--Very good points.

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#20 TheCrazed420
Member since 2003 • 7661 Posts

I can relate to the idea of "waking up" to reality. It's all about how you perceive the world around you. Nowadays it can be really hard to separate your preconceptions from what you actually "see".

In other words, your brain has a tendency to associate certain objects and people with certain ideas and concepts. Instead of simply "seeing" what it is you're looking at, your brain is going through the process of first identifying the object or person, then associating that image with any memories attached to it, and then combining it all together in your actual conscious thoughts. Being able to break down that whole thought process makes it possible to actually SEE the world as it is, instead of having your brain try to figure it all out and categorize it.

It's one of the things that a lot of artists have to learn before they can really create work of their own. It's friggin hard to do, not something that comes easily, that's for sure (although the use of certain drugs does create a bit of a shortcut). This is mainly because all the things we surround ourselves with (TV, Movies, Websites, Magazines...) are constantly trying to manipulate our concept of what is real, what is important. We have to break that cycle of indoctrination on our own.

At least with games, we are given the ablility to interact with and change what we witness on the screen. In many ways, playing a beautiful game can put us in touch with that "pure visual splendor" because in most cases we are left on our own to interpret the images.

Mushrooms FTW!
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#21 acsguitar
Member since 2005 • 1840 Posts

Of course not don't be silly.


Man I'm jonsin for some skooma bad 

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#22 acsguitar
Member since 2005 • 1840 Posts

No thats just silly.



Man I'm jonesin for some skooma bad 

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#23 dar_
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I know that after a long mapping session I begin to notice little architectural details, and various objects when I'm walking outside, in a building, or in some other public space. It's somewhat to be expected, though, considering that you're working with all these little details in the gameworld.

Other than that, I sometimes see a visual phenomenon, and think to myself, "hey, that's how they came up with effect foo." Often you don't really think about how the graphics are made to correspond to the real world until you look more closely.

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#24 1Lonehawk
Member since 2005 • 873 Posts

Awesome thread. One of the first real positive things I have seen here in a thread discussing games in general. I think it's true for the most part (not always) that we appreciate life and things around us as the incredible and beautiful things they are when we get older.

I've always appreciated nature (except bugs, I don't get why God created bugs. :P ) but I remember one of the first times I saw sun streaming through trees in a game, then saw it in real life and it took my breath away anew. What a great benefit from playing a game.

This very topic reminds me of something God said:

"They know the truth about God because He has made it obvious to them. For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see His invisible qualities-His eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God." (Rom 1:19-20)

Not trying to preach there, just this thread reminded me of that and thought I'd share it. :)

Very cool thread TC. Way to go. :)

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#25 Scatsofrango
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When mum opens my blinds in the morning i scream AHH FLASHBANG!!Samulies



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#26 CubePrime_basic
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[QUOTE="Samulies"]When mum opens my blinds in the morning i scream AHH FLASHBANG!!Scatsofrango


brilliant. no pun intended. ;)
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#27 BLaZe462
Member since 2002 • 1432 Posts
Interesting.  I have had similar experiences where I would gaze outside after a video game session and realize how complex and beautiful the world actually is (compared to a video game).  This would occur usually after playing a game that tried to simulate reality by use dynamic lighting and/or physics.
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#28 Javu
Member since 2003 • 64 Posts
One must alwas de able to distinguish real from virtual reality, its true that games have gone a long long way and the visual efcts are realy amasing none the les you must concentrate on reality, take a break from gaming from now and then. Sports realy help.
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#29 0_Wii_Man_0
Member since 2006 • 919 Posts

I know that after a long mapping session I begin to notice little architectural details, and various objects when I'm walking outside, in a building, or in some other public space. It's somewhat to be expected, though, considering that you're working with all these little details in the gameworld.

Other than that, I sometimes see a visual phenomenon, and think to myself, "hey, that's how they came up with effect foo." Often you don't really think about how the graphics are made to correspond to the real world until you look more closely.

i agree, after i finish mapping or doing some 3D modeling stuff you notice all the little details.
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#30 the_real_jspark
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I think you're all too emotional.
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#31 Lord_Nihilus0
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I agree, I also like to take in beatiful views in games the same way I do in life.
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#32 A-S_FM
Member since 2004 • 2208 Posts

 Hello Neo, in this hand I have a red pill ,, in this hand I have a blue pill .(pause) good you chose the red pill. get rdy for the



I dont know how old you are, so maybe its age catching up to and now your finally appreciating all the things you took for granted growing up... trust me , the younglins dont notice these things.

Or maybe you finally woke up and smelled the roses to a point.. maybe now you'll take some to look at the stars and a sunrise or sunset in a different way.. take the time to smell the chilly cold air in the forest away from the city. or on a warm spring day.

dont wake up in the mouring thinking , today is just another day, its not , its a new day and what you make of it , is up to you.



quite patronising and elitist for someone who struggles with basic spelling - curiously aggressive as well, had a bad day?

some interesting replies and opinions, though - it's nice to know i'm not the only person who has developed a greater appreciation of the natural world because of computer games, or at least acknowledges the coolness of the concept

living in a largely rural area, i've grown up with a pretty powerful appreciation of the beauty of natural world (i'm not a hippie though!!), but yeah, i did take a great deal of it for granted - i'd never sat and just looked at a tree, at the astounding complexity of it, at the hundreds of leaves and their individual complexities, or the intricate, time-worn texture of the stones making up a wall that's i-don't-know-how-many decades old

it's easy to say maybe i just grew up, but it's more than that - i've discussed the topic with people ranging from 40 to 70 and... well... they all think i'm pretty nutty.. to them, a tree is a tree is a tree - i've also spoken with my peers about the topic and they generally throw back words like b*llocks - it was nice to be able to come here and find some people who at least find it an interesting topic

at the very least, i enjoy taking a greater appreciation in little things that - apparently - everyone or no one else cares to notice, and am pleased that one of my greatest passions could have affected my life in such a positive way 

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#33 Gog
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Yea , sometimes I come across some great use of HDR in real life :)
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#34 Jack_Summersby
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those ordinary, everyday things, like light reflecting off a puddle of water, or shadows dancing through a tree blowing gently in the wind, are just astounding me in real life - just the beauty of it all, things i didn't give a second thought to just a couple years ago

i've seen them in computer games, and been able to compare them with games that didn't have them, and have been amazed by how awesome these effects are

and now, it's bizzare i guess, but i'm equally amazed when i see them in real life - there's a church i walk past on my way home from work that has its uppermost steeple illuminated at night, and i was just transfixed by the lighting effects - or on a particularly sunny day, the way blinding light reflects off of cars as they drive past... i couldn't stop staring at the cars as they drove by - you know? just ordinary, everyday this-is-real-life stuff - i'm astounded by... just the beauty of it all - because of computer games



I feel the exact same way.  Sometimes I'll notice sun breams darting around the leaves of a tall palm tree on a beautiful day with a pure blue sky as backdrop and I just stop and admire it.  I rarely "stopped to smell the roses" like that until I played modern PC games like Far Cry - somehow seeing games evolve from Doom II graphics to today's graphics has made me appreciate the real world's beauty.

If you love this stuff, you should check out the screenies for Alan Wake - the newest six on GameSpot are GORGEOUS. 

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#35 PCgamerX
Member since 2004 • 324 Posts

at the very least, i enjoy taking a greater appreciation in little things that - apparently - everyone or no one else cares to notice


I think they have a word that describes people who notice things about the world that no one else does-- genius.

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#36 Nerfing
Member since 2007 • 1471 Posts
When mum opens my blinds in the morning i scream AHH FLASHBANG!!Samulies
Haha, I remember those days..Funny stuff right there.
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#37 CubePrime_basic
Member since 2003 • 3230 Posts

at the very least, i enjoy taking a greater appreciation in little things that - apparently - everyone or no one else cares to notice


I think they have a word that describes people who notice things about the world that no one else does-- genius.

I really enjoy your posts A-S_FM, we should ignore frustrated waists.
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#39 FootFetish24
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this may all seem a little crazy, but it's a thought i've been playing with for the last few years

i've been playing games for quite a long while now, so i've seen them develop an awful lot, come a long way

as an example, games have gone from conveying light and dark by having either a lightly or darkly coloured backdrop, to real time lighting and dynamic shadows

and the more i see these things in games, the more amazed i am by them, like the first time i ever saw those cool light reflections off of surfaces like metal and glass (don't know the technical terms) that move with you as you move

and, well, it's starting to affect my opinions of reality

those ordinary, everyday things, like light reflecting off a puddle of water, or shadows dancing through a tree blowing gently in the wind, are just astounding me in real life - just the beauty of it all, things i didn't give a second thought to just a couple years ago

i've seen them in computer games, and been able to compare them with games that didn't have them, and have been amazed by how awesome these effects are

and now, it's bizzare i guess, but i'm equally amazed when i see them in real life - there's a church i walk past on my way home from work that has its uppermost steeple illuminated at night, and i was just transfixed by the lighting effects - or on a particularly sunny day, the way blinding light reflects off of cars as they drive past... i couldn't stop staring at the cars as they drove by - you know? just ordinary, everyday this-is-real-life stuff - i'm astounded by... just the beauty of it all - because of computer games

so i was wondering, has anyone else ever experinced this? do any of you feel that technologically advanced games have altered your perception of real life in any way? i never used to stare at shadows and smile like a crazy person a few years ago, i know that much for sure

your screwed up. go get a life. lolololol jk :D just proton and electrons moving around... dont need to be astounded by that.
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#40 donkey35
Member since 2006 • 179 Posts
Amazing because thats excactly whats happening to me!
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#41 donkey35
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When Im swimming and stop to rest I look at the water and say "Beautiful water effects!".
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#42 Sgt-Damain
Member since 2005 • 1846 Posts
One day after playing Morrowind for awhile I took a break to go to the drive-through to get lunch, and all I could think of as I drove there was...Wow, look at the draw distance, thats cool. I can see for miles, lol.
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#43 deactivated-5e434325a21be
Member since 2004 • 10026 Posts
no there is nothing weird with how i move my around to turn
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#44 ShaDoW56
Member since 2005 • 1639 Posts

this may all seem a little crazy, but it's a thought i've been playing with for the last few years

i've been playing games for quite a long while now, so i've seen them develop an awful lot, come a long way

as an example, games have gone from conveying light and dark by having either a lightly or darkly coloured backdrop, to real time lighting and dynamic shadows

and the more i see these things in games, the more amazed i am by them, like the first time i ever saw those cool light reflections off of surfaces like metal and glass (don't know the technical terms) that move with you as you move

and, well, it's starting to affect my opinions of reality

those ordinary, everyday things, like light reflecting off a puddle of water, or shadows dancing through a tree blowing gently in the wind, are just astounding me in real life - just the beauty of it all, things i didn't give a second thought to just a couple years ago

i've seen them in computer games, and been able to compare them with games that didn't have them, and have been amazed by how awesome these effects are

and now, it's bizzare i guess, but i'm equally amazed when i see them in real life - there's a church i walk past on my way home from work that has its uppermost steeple illuminated at night, and i was just transfixed by the lighting effects - or on a particularly sunny day, the way blinding light reflects off of cars as they drive past... i couldn't stop staring at the cars as they drove by - you know? just ordinary, everyday this-is-real-life stuff - i'm astounded by... just the beauty of it all - because of computer games

so i was wondering, has anyone else ever experinced this? do any of you feel that technologically advanced games have altered your perception of real life in any way? i never used to stare at shadows and smile like a crazy person a few years ago, i know that much for sure

funny that i have had exactly the same experience , I used to just ignore the little things, now i admire real life shadows and reflections and things; i love it, its abit wierd but its true :S